Fluffypuffer Horde, Organized, Intelligent Smother (w[2d4] damage) 7 HP 0 armor Close, Ignores Armor A plump purple creature who just wants to be your friend. Whenever it's name is said within earshot it duplicates. If you're not careful, it'll smother everyone else as it duplicates indefinitely. Instinct: To be amongst the crowd
- Duplicate whenever it's name is said.
- Say my name!
Birog Solitary, Large, Magical, Intelligent, Planar Hornstoß (d10+4 damage 1 piercing) 36 HP 1 armor Forceful Special Qualities: Anführer 3, schw. Resistenz gegen Nahkampf, schw Resistenz gegen Gift und Naturmagie Der dämonisch manifestierte Geist des einstigen Oberdruiden. Er ist einerseits an Cernunnos Macht gebunden ist aber auch zoprnig über das Schicksal der Seelen der alten Kelten. Er will ins Diesseits um den Aischgrund bzw. das Nebelmeer zu einer "funktionalen" Nachwelt für sein Volk zu erschaffen. Würde er dies schaffen würden seine Diener menschliche Kinder entführen, um nach und nach Heimsttätte für die Seelen der Kelten zu finden. Instinct: In unsere Weelt eindringen
- Die Macht Cernunnos verbreiten
- Opfer mit Wurzeln unter die Erde reißen
- Kinder des Cernunnos beschwören
- Fluch des Verrottens auf unbelebte Objekte sprechen
- Die Wälder beherrschen
Ghast (Dnd) Group, Organized, Intelligent Bite (d8+2 damage) 14 HP 0 armor Close Special Qualities: Creatures close to it are Poisoned by it's stench Orcus sometimes infuses a ghoul with a stronger dose of abyssal energy, making a ghast. Whereas ghouls are little more than savage beasts, a ghast is cunning and can inspire a pack of ghouls to follow its commands. Instinct: Insatiable hunger for human flesh
- Paralyze with it's claws
- Call Ghouls to it's aid
Ghoul (Dnd) Horde, Organized Bite (d6+2 damage) 7 HP 0 armor Close ike maggots or carrion beetles, ghouls thrive in places rank with decay and death. A ghoul haunts a place where it can gorge on dead flesh and decomposing organs. When it can’t feed on the dead, it pursues living creatures and attempts to make corpses of them. Though they gain no nourishment from the corpses they devour, ghouls are driven by an unending hunger that compels them to consume. A ghoul’s undead flesh never rots, and this monster can persist in a crypt or tomb for untold ages without feeding. Instinct: insatiable hunger for human flesh
- Paralyze non-elf with it's touch
- Call more ghouls
Quaggoth Group Claws (1d8 damage) 10 HP 1 armor Close, Forceful Special Qualities: Immune to poison Violent and territorial, quaggoths climb the chasms of the Underdark. They maul their foes in a frenzy, becoming even more murderous in the face of death. Instinct: Eat and kill
- Maul foes in a frenzy when wounded
- Eat something
Quadrone Horde, Planar, Construct Short Bow (d8 damage) 6 HP 2 armor Far Special Qualities: Cannot be Compelled to Act Astute combatants, quadrones serve as artillery and field officers in the regiments of modron armies. Instinct: Serve Law and Order
- Disintigrate when killed/destroyed
- Spontaneously Advance to Next Form
Beholder Zombie Solitary, Large, Magical, Construct Disintegrate with an eye ray (d10 damage) 24 HP 1 armor Reach, Ignores Armor, Far From somewhere in the darkness, a gurgling moan is heard. A form lurches into view, dragging one foot as it raises bloated arms and broken hands. The zombie advances, driven to kill anyone too slow to escape its grasp. Instinct: Do their creator’s bidding without fear or hesitation
- Paralyze with an eye ray
- Weaken and Damage with an eye ray
- Terrify with an eye ray
Dwarven Ballista Solitary, Large, Construct flaming bolt (d10 damage 3 piercing) 16 HP 4 armor Reach, Far Special Qualities: can't be poisoned The ballistae can't perceive (and thus they ignore) creatures that keep to the easternmost 60-foot section of the hallway. Once they detect intruders, however, the ballistae amble forward on hinged legs to close the distance. If a ballista has nothing to attack on its turn, it returns to its starting position. Instinct: Protect the area
- Shoot a bolt of fire
Drow Mage Group, Stealthy, Magical, Devious, Intelligent, Cautious Staff (d6 damage) 6 HP 1 armor Close Special Qualities: Resists Charm, Sunlight Sensitivity Privileged drow males who lack the strength and fighting prowess to train as warriors have no recourse but to pursue the study of magic. For them, it is a matter of survival. Female drow with a natural affinity for the arcane arts may also become drow mages, although they are much less common. Instinct: Seek Political Gain
- Summon an Imp/Quasit or Shadow Demon
- Summon magical darkness
- Cast Magic Missile (2d4 damage)
- Block an Attack with a Shield Spell
- Cast Fireball (2d6 ignores armor)
- Cast Cloudkill
- Levitate!
Mezzoloth Group, Magical, Planar Claws and Trident (d10 damage) 6 HP 3 armor Close, Reach Special Qualities: half damage from Cold, Fire, Lightning; Nonmagical Weapons, immune acid/poison, telepathy The bulk of the yugoloth population is made up of mezzoloths, which are human-sized insect creatures covered in dense chitinous plates. Mezzoloths serve as foot soldiers in yugoloth armies, their wide-set eyes glowing red as the mezzoloths bear down on their foes. Violence and reward are the fundamental drives of a mezzoloth, and powerful beings that promise one or the other can easily attract them into service. Although it has lethal claws on its four arms, a mezzoloth typically wields a trident in two of them. If surrounded by enemies, a mezzoloth exhales toxic fumes that can choke and kill whole groups of creatures. Instinct: Violence and reward
- Teleport to anywhere it can see
- If surrounded exhales toxic fumes that can choke and kill (extra d6 damage when damaged)
- Use magic to darken the area
- End a magical effect