Myconid Sovereign Solitary, Large, Organized, Intelligent, Amorphous Fists (d12 damage) 16 HP 1 armor Special Qualities: Reanimation Spores, Telepathic Spores New tasks were given to the fungus ones as they grow older. Sprouts work as hands for their respective elders, assisting with daily chores, and responsible for releasing distress spores if hostiles approached. Normal adults do most of the basic work. Elders were responsible for supervising the work of other myconids.By the time they are 20 a single myconid in a community could undergo a great change in size, becoming much larger and transforming into sovereigns or lords through a special regiment process if a community leader is needed. Every myconid community has its population under careful control. All older members are its leaders who administrate and advise the myconid king, the only entity above them. Leaders and kings preferred to lead from the back, only joining into combat if they believed their community to be in actual danger. To be a sovereign was the most dreaded position within the myconid community, seen as practically a punishment. Because the myconid sovereign was tasked with being objective to the circles and administrating their duties, it could not become part of a circle, and could never again meld with those of its tribe. The duties of the king include the creation of spore zombie servants so that the myconids can remain pacifistic, the coordination of work schedules and the production of useful fungal magical potions. Spore zombies resemble normal zombies but are nonmagical constructs controlled by the myconid leader to defend the colony and can not be turned by a cleric. Instinct: Protect Colony
- Rule myconids
- Summon spore zombies
- Create spore zombies
Myconid Horde, Small, Amorphous Venom spores (d4 damage) 3 HP 1 armor Close, Ignores Armor, Far Special Qualities: Telepathic spores Myconids, also known as fungus ones, are a race of ambulatory fungus creatures. They were known for their peacefulness and appreciation of quiet, making their homes in the darker corners of the world. Myconids resemble giant fungi, with their main distinguishing feature being their limbs. Their upper half splits into a pair of arms below their caps and their lower half divided into a pair of legs at the stump. Each extremity is pudgy and broad, with their hands ending in two stubby fingers and a thumb, and their feet hosting numerous vestigial toes. This number was not absolute however, with some fungus folk hosting more than the usual number of limbs and/or digits. The bloated flesh of most myconids ranges in coloration from purple to gray. Two eyes rested on their caps, perfectly concealed against the rest of their spongy skin when shut. Fungus folk were unique amongst the Underdark races for their complete aversion to violent behavior. A general distrust of outsiders is common among the myconids due to their experience with most other entities. Despite their suspicions however, myconids are a thoughtful race willing to give shelter or allow passage through their colonies to those who approached with peaceful intentions. The life of a myconid is strictly scheduled and split evenly between sleep, work and 'melding'. Melding is the core of myconid society, with separation from the process viewed as a frightening and pitiful fate. Direct sunlight is the most dangerous thing to any myconid, with direct exposure severely impairing them, and even killing them after an hour. As such, the fungus folk were loathed to venture anywhere above ground. Instinct: Defend colony
- Help
Deep Gnomes Group, Small, Intelligent, Hoarder Pickaxe (d8 damage 1 piercing) 3 HP 2 armor Close Special Qualities: Darkvision Deep gnomes are a gnome subspecies that lives in the Underdark. While their surface cousins were known for their boundless optimism and cheerful mischief, the svirfneblin were serious and suspicious creatures. They survive in the Underdark by maintaining wariness of others and working hard to keep their underground society secret. Males were completely bald and beardless, while the females sport gray hair. Deep gnome complexions were sometimes described as "gnarled" and, like drow and duergar, are commonly dark in hue, with most deep gnomes demonstrating brown or gray skin with dark gray eyes. Deep gnomes are surly and cynical people who fatalistically expect little more from life than what they have. They treat their own kind with respect and even goodwill, but trust is not often given to anyone from outside their community. However, if befriended they are valuable and loyal allies. Instinct: Search for gems
- Mine
Drow Group, Intelligent, Cautious, Hoarder Sword (d8 damage) 6 HP 3 armor Close Special Qualities: Darkvision The drow, also called dark elves, are a subterranean race of elves. They are noted for their cruelty. Most drow are utterly evil. Those minority non-evil drow rarely have the malice necessary to survive in their cruel society, and many leave to adventure outside of drow lands. Good drow are exceptionally rare, but not unheard of. Most drow inhabit the Underdark, deep caverns below the surface of the earth. There, the drow have built vast cities. The dark elves trace their lineage back tens of thousands of years, when the elves of good defeated the drow in a great war and banished them to the subterranean Underdark. There, they submitted to the worship of Lolth, Demon Queen of Spiders, and united by reverence of that dark goddess. Drow society is strictly matriarchal. At the highest tiers of society are priestesses to Lolth, chosen from among the drow noble houses and trained from birth to serve the Spider Queen. Of highest status are the house matrons, priestesses who lead each noble house. The drow houses perpetually vie for power, a necessity in the cutthroat Underdark cities. Weaker houses are forced to pledge loyalty to stronger ones to survive.The drow think nothing of murder or betrayal if it raises their status, and the powerful must constantly watch their back. Instinct: Raid surface dwellers
- Enslave
Mind Flayer Group, Devious, Terrifying Psionic Blast (d12 damage) 8 HP 0 armor Close, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: Enslaves Mind flayers are sadistic aberrations feared by sentient creatures on many worlds across the multiverse due to their powerful psionic abilities. From their twisted lairs deep in the Underdark, these alien entities seek to expand their dominion over all other lifeforms, controlling their minds to use them as obedient thralls. They consume their victims' very personality by extracting and devouring their brains while they are still alive. Mind flayers have utterly alien thought processes and enigmatic objectives. They see themselves as masterminds that twisted others into serving their own sinister and far-reaching schemes. While some individuals could show extreme variance in mindset, the majority share many common beliefs and precepts. In the minds of the mind flayers, their kind act as agents of "Order", forces of law tasked with taming a chaotic and unguided universe. They see the various races as potential thralls with no supervision, living out aimless existences and working with no direction. In this role as slave masters, the mind flayers constantly work for what they see as the betterment of the cosmos, asserting their ultimate control to provide the restoration of order that only their superior species could bestow to all the multiverse. An illithid's bulging, ridged, elongated head is reminiscent of an octopus, with a cluster of four flexible, unsegmented, extendable, purplish-black tentacles surrounding their mouths. The tentacles could range in length from 2 to 4 feet (0.61 to 1.2 meters), appearing shorter when an illithid was at rest. They writhed and undulated almost constantly and absent-mindedly while the illithid pondered or otherwise was not using them. Instinct: Enslave helpless humanoids
- Devour brains
Troglodyte Group, Terrifying Claws (d8 damage) 6 HP 1 armor Close Special Qualities: Stench causes weakness Troglodytes, often referred to as stink-meat by other Underdark denizens, are cave-dwelling reptilian humanoids, with a barbaric culture centered around food and scent. The stench of an angry or frightened troglodyte is so foul that it will cause weakness in all living creatures nearby, even after the troglodyte had died. Troglodytes take sadistic pleasure in mercilessly hunting weaker sentient beings before dragging them back to their caves to be eaten. Instinct: Hunt
- Raid
- Ambush
- Devour
Kuo-toa Group, Terrifying Spear (d10 damage) 6 HP 0 armor Close Special Qualities: Immune to illusions, Detect Invisible, Slippery, Amphibious Kuo-toa are vile, fish-like, amphibious, aberrant humanoids who live at the intersection of the ocean and the Underdark. They are half-mad religious zealots, descendants of a once-great race that was pushed deep underground many years ago. Here, they worship mad gods and spawn new numbers, dreaming of the day when they will re-take the surface. Their population nearly exterminated and forgotten, they plot their inevitable resurgence with a despicable glee. The Pincer Staff, a long staff with a restraining claw at the end, is used by some kuo-toans to trap enemies so that the kuo-toa's allies can pummel them without retribution. Harpoons are employed by kuo-toa to stick enemies, yank them off their feet, and pull them closer if they try and flee. Sticky Shields are used by kuo-toa to restrain an enemy's weapon: if the foe strikes their shield, the weapon is stuck fast. Kuo-toa are worshippers of the dark goddess Blibdoolpoolp, the Sea Mother. Their holy sites provide access to salt water, and often serve as spawning points and trade centers. Though wicked, they respect most other races of the underdark, at least in terms of power: their holy sites serve as places to trade slaves and goods from many corners of the underdark. Amongst other kuo-toa, the creatures are fairly antisocial and independent. Madness is a common ailment amongst the kuo-toa, their degenerate nature encouraging a weak mind. Some kuo-toa worship Dagon (Cthuhlu) instead of Bilbdoolpoolp, though the two don't seem to have an active rivalry. Instinct: Sacrifice humanoids
- Capture slaves
- Trade
- Worship
Baron the World Smith Solitary, Small, Magical, Intelligent, Cautious, Hoarder First Hammer (b[2d10+4] damage) 12 HP 6 armor Close, Forceful, Ignores Armor, Near Instinct: To lead the dwarves to a new age
- Craft things of legend
- Use a magic weapon
Lune Group, Stealthy, Divine, Organized, Intelligent, Planar sword made of moonlight (b[2d10+2] damage 1 piercing) 12 HP 0 armor Close Special Qualities: incorporeal Spirits of moonbeams sometimes choose to visit the denizens of Dungeon World. Usually they will simply impart their message and return to the sky, but some are summoned as guardians, or even take a liking to an earthbound mortal. Instinct: to serve its celestial master
- Bring the Moon's guidance
- Vanish behind a cloud
- ask the Moon for backup
- Know a closely-guarded secret
Spell Weaver Solitary, Magical, Stealthy, Devious, Intelligent, Hoarder, Planar creeping disintegration spell (b[2d8+2] damage) 12 HP 4 armor Close, Forceful, Ignores Armor, Far Special Qualities: six arms capable of casting spells Standing 8 feet tall and with six distinctive arms, these brilliant and strange creatures stalk Dungeon World, seeking ancient magic items and places of power for their own schemes. If you stand in their way, or if they think that ten steps down the road you might, you could become their enemy. Instinct: to take magic
- cast multiple spells at once
- Ward and trap a place ahead of time
- overwhelm with magic
- Dominate enemy
- Recall just the right spell