Vondir the Creator Solitary, Stealthy, Devious, Hoarder Hammer and Chisel (2d6 damage) 12 HP 0 armor Close Vondir the Creator has been living alone in Purity Cave for a millenium. He has been working on his masterpiece - a marble quarry painstakingly carved until every square inch is a meticulously detailed and perfect. Vondir desperately wishes for the praise of others, and will work to keep any visitors with him forever! Instinct: capture creatures who will appreciate his art.
- Invite them to appreciate one of his masterworks
- Implore them to indulge in one of his delights
- Activate the Guardians of Purity
Beformet, el estratega de las bestias fantasmas Group, Stealthy, Magical, Devious, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder, Terrifying Garras (d4 damage) 10 HP 1 armor Close, Ignores Armor, Far Special Qualities: Alas, Mirada aterradora Beformet es una criatura con mucho parecido al Humano normal y corriente, es capaz de fusionarse al igual que Gazelle y siempre busca cazar de una manera furtiva a los demás Instinct: Sobrevivir
- Planear emboscadas
- Engañar a los demás
- Fusión
- engaño
- Llamada de las bestias fantasmas
Lagarto de roca, Vanguardia de las bestias fantasma Solitary, Huge, Divine, Intelligent, Cautious Puños de roca (d10+3 damage) 30 HP 6 armor Reach, Ignores Armor, Near El lagarto de roca es la criatura más fuerte dentro de las bestias fantasmas, es capaz de destruir con facilidad, pero su naturaleza tranquila equilibra su fuerza, sol busca proteger a los suyos. Instinct: Defender a los demás
- Estoico
Cuerno Salvaje, Guerrero de las bestias fantasmas Solitary, Intelligent, Cautious, Terrifying Hachazos (b[2d10+4] damage 1 piercing) 20 HP 2 armor Close, Forceful, Near Special Qualities: Puede hablar, Cuerno Salvaje es el principal defensor de las bestias fantasmas, cuida a sus compañeros como si se tratase del mismo. Instinct: Sobrevivir, defender a los suyos
- Defender
Alas Cruzadas, Avizor de las bestias fantasmas Group, Stealthy, Devious, Organized, Intelligent, Construct Picotazo (d6 damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 0 armor Close, Far Special Qualities: Puede volar, Da vigor a sus aliados Alas Cruzadas, es una bestia capaz de moverse a través de los cielos de una manera única, este es capaz de ver en la oscuridad y una vez que te ve puede seguirte hasta los confines de la tierra. Instinct: Sobrevivir
- Posee una vista aguda
- Prefiere atacar por la espalda
- Puede verte incluso si te escondes
- Llamada Fantasma
Pegaso del trueno, Caballería de las bestias fantasmas Group, Large, Devious, Intelligent Cabezazo (d4 damage) 18 HP 3 armor Ignores Armor Special Qualities: Respuesta electrica El pegado del Trueno de las bestias místicas, es un animal magnifico el cual puede volar y electrocutar a sus atacantes si estos lo atacan con armas convencionales. Instinct: Sobrevivir
- Piel electrica
Gazelle, Rey de las bestias fantasmas Group, Magical, Stealthy, Devious, Organized, Intelligent, Construct Garras (b[2d6] damage 1 piercing) 10 HP 4 armor Close, Ignores Armor Gazelle es considerado el Rey de las bestias fantasmas, sí bien no es el más fuerte físicamente, es el más diestro e inteligente del grupo de las bestias fantasmas, además de poseer la habilidad de Fusionarse con las demás bestias fantasmas. Instinct: Supervivencia
- Cazar
- Puede hablar
Leach Solitary, Stealthy, Intelligent Prehensile tongue (d10 damage 1 piercing) 12 HP 0 armor Close, Near Appearing to be an unremarkable individual from any of the civilised peoples, the leach infiltrates a settlement and finds a way to feed off of the inhabitants. It's face opens to release it's tongue but can be reshaped as it closes to change it's facial features. Unable to speak physically it communicates psychically, using this power to confuse it's prey and better hide in plain sight. Instinct: Feed
- The leach appears to be human until it's face open and it's long and thick prehensile tongue shoots forward, it's own teeth clamping down and piercing the flesh of its victim
- It can change it's features to appear like different individuals
Web Weaver Group, Tiny, Devious Sticky thread (b[2d4-2] damage) 6 HP 4 armor Hand, Ignores Armor, Near, Far Driven by hunger, the Web Weaver traps prey in its webs before devouring them whole, web and all. Instinct: To catch a prey
- Weave a web in the dark to catch it's next meal
- Snare them with a net
Scuttling Swarm Horde, Tiny, Devious, Organized Bite and sting all together (b[2d4-2] damage) 3 HP 0 armor Hand, Ignores Armor Tiny white spiders that move in large groups, covering vast distances in a short amount of time. Driven by a primal instinct to consume anything organic, the Scuttling Swarm devours everything in its path to vanish through cracks and holes to their secret nests inside walls and deep caves. Instinct: to devour everything in its path
- Overwhelm its prey with sheer numbers
- Suffocate a prey by denying breathing
- It makes the victim of sting make the spider dance calling more spiders