Wisp of Remembrance | Solitary, Huge, Devious | |
Highten Emotions (w[2d8]+3 damage) | 20 HP | 0 armor |
Reach, Ignores Armor, Far | ||
Special Qualities: Intangible |
Ever since man first stepped out of the primordial spawning pools we have felt. Anger. Fear. Joy. Sometimes, when someone experiences something truly unique, something that has an intense and profound effect on the psyche - positive or negative - a Wisp of Remembrance is born. It takes the shape of the focus of that event, though greatly embellished - much like the memory itself. The experiences feel larger than life, and so the Wisps are too. These creatures exist through the power of extreme emotion, and so too are they sustained. Be careful if you have something big deep within your soul, or you may see someone else's come to feed. Instinct: to feed on strong emotion