Pepe 'l'Bebe' Simon Solitary, Small, Devious, Intelligent
Knuckle Duster Punch (w[2d4+2] damage 2 piercing) 16 HP 0 armor
Close, Forceful

Pepe Simon is a dwarf, and the comedic partner and best friend to Rogert Hare. He doesn’t exactly look like a dwarf due to the fact that all his hair has been shaved off save for a blonde tuft on the very top of his head. When dressed for performance Pepe is dressed as a little child sized baby, that Rogert chases around stage and hilarity ensues. When not dressed for stage Pepe is grumpy, rude and foul mouthed. Pepe always has a cigar in his mouth and a high ball glass of bourbon in his hand. He is mischievous, crabby, snotty and often times childish— but he is Rogerts staunchest ally and he would follow Rogert to the end. Instinct: to make a buck on the stage with his best friend Rogert.

  • Talks really loud with grand gestures.
  • Curse out, insult, and generally humiliate someone.
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.

Created by: A Person With No Name