Lost Soul Abomination | Solitary, Large, Magical, Stealthy, Terrifying, Amorphous | |
Envelopment: The Lost Soul Abomination absorbs a victim into itself, retaining one of their eyes, which looks out of its otherwise black and featureless body. Anything in its way can be hit or crushed with its mass. (d10 damage 1 piercing) | 19 HP | 5 armor |
Near | ||
Special Qualities: The Lost Soul Abomination is as black as oil, formless and shifting to mimic shadows. It intelligently disguises itself in the dark and searches for lonely vulnerable souls to absorb and fill its void. |
The Lost Soul Abomination is a planar entity created by botched necromancy of a lost soul. If allowed to remain, this creature, in unimaginable spiritual agony, keeps to the shadows, searching for a living presence to bond with in order to cure its pain. The Lost Soul Abomination speaks in the tongues of the dead to those who it isolates as lonely, vulnerable or in touch with other planes. This speech can paralyze all who hear it, allowing it to envelop the victim and bind their soul to it. One eye from each victim is occasionally visible. This creature is insatiable and fairly intelligent, but can easily be lured with the right person as bait and abhors bright light. It only hunts at night. Instinct: To absorb a lost human and become whole
Created by: moonimin