Trapped Soul Group, Magical, Devious, Amorphous
Swampwater Tendril (w[2d6] damage) 17 HP 5 armor
Close, Reach

The Souls of those unfortunate enough to drown in the misty swamp often get stuck to their bodies. Waiting for someone to finally severe the connection that keeps them in the cold and gruel world that killed them. They are starved of human interaction and will try to meet with who ever enters the swamps, but as they are a mere Soul they take the Swamp as their body, endangering these they seek help from. If they are attacked, they will often drag their attackers into the swamp, to damn them to the same cruel destiny they once faced Instinct: To search for the warmth of the living

  • Create a Body of Swampwater
  • Drag and Drown

Created by: TurirBarym