Giant Swamp Heron Group, Large
Razorbeak (d8 damage 1 piercing) 10 HP 0 armor
Special Qualities: Feathers that blend with its surroundings, an aura draining magic energy

Giant Herons that grow to be three to four meters tall, covered in feathers capable of changing with it's living conditions. Their plumage makes them incredible hard to see as they stand motionless, blending in with their surroundings, waiting for prey to wander in front of their razor sharp beaks. In the swamps they inhabit, small fish gather a mineral, that absorbs magical energy, as they feed on them, they enrich this material within their bodies, leading to them to emanate an aura of antimagic. Instinct: to feed on unsuspecting prey

  • Wait for prey, motionless, unseen

Created by: TurirBarym