Icestorm Virago | Solitary, Magical, Stealthy, Devious, Intelligent, Planar | |
Ray of icy power (d10 damage) | 16 HP | 4 armor |
Close, Reach, Ignores Armor, Far | ||
The Icestorm Virago is a strange being, possibly a remnant of the ancient Shi that once called Zerzura home, possibly a curiosity they had held captive that now roams free. She appears to be immune to the Song of Thorns, just as winter's chill cares not what thorns the thicket bears--and her influence on the forest helps keep the Song at bay. However, she is also wildly dangerous, and attracting her attention is as likely to hurt as help. Other ice-linked creatures, like the ice spiders and wendigo, seem drawn to her presence, while others simply benefit from the "protection" against the song of thorns. She seems to stick to a relatively limited territory in the deep forest, perhaps because the only part of Zerzura she can enter is ever-burning. Instinct: Freeze the living to add to her collection.
Created by: Fhtagn-Daas