The Song of Thorns Solitary, Large, Magical, Stealthy, Devious, Planar, Amorphous
Spray of spirit-thorns (b[2d10] damage) 27 HP 7 armor
Ignores Armor, Near
Special Qualities: Enforce spirit-sight on all around it, giving it control of their perceptions

The true heart of the Song of Thorns, the infectious spirit-being that destroyed Zerzura and its Shi makers long and long ago. Only encountered if its primary anchor, the Body of the Song, has already been destroyed. In this form, it is both more vulnerable and more dangerous than ever. Its infectious powers are amplified tenfold; even against those immune to possession, its spirit-thorns can strip away parts of one's soul, potentially destroying who the victim is without ever invading the mind. Further, when exposed this way, the Song will be truly desperate--it needs a new anchor soon, or at least needs to repel or destroy its attackers. Should even this form of it be slain, however, the Song will truly end, its powers returning to the river of spirits that flows from birth, through death, to the Beyond, and back to rebirth. Instinct: Destroy structure and meaning

  • Corrupt souls and spread itself
  • Manifest multiple spirit-forms--with illusory appearance
  • Channeling the essence of those it has consumed
  • Its thorns weaken the souls of those they pierce
  • It can only be slain by words and symbols, not force

Created by: Fhtagn-Daas