Vexen the Intelligent Solitary, Magical, Organized, Intelligent, Cautious, Hoarder
Frozen Pride (d8 damage) 17 HP 5 armor
Special Qualities: He is has Resistance 4 to Ice Damage, Frozen Pride: Give Resistance 2 to Ice and Fire, This shield can be use as a weapon as well (add 1d8 to attack)

Vexen the Intelligent is a scientist, even from before he join Libra he was a scientist and it has been a passion of his since he can remember. However, when he enter Libra he hoped to accomplish something more than just simple science, he wanted to know how much can science push man and so he started the experiments with the capital in order to push humanity to beyond the limits of a simple human, this all in the order of surpass even Gods. One day the capital gave him this option and unknown to his brothers in Libra he carried this experiment in order to surpass even gods. He is clever and resourceful and he does not care about anything more than his goals, he is vicious and should be avoided at all time. Instinct: To Follow the Capital's Orders

  • It uses its Shield to do one devastating blow on its opponents
  • Icicle Pillars: Summons Ice Pillars that Hurt Opponents from far Away (2d6 Damage)
  • Summon Monster: When he is Alone on the Battlefield he summons a Monster to aid him, roll 1d4 on a: 1) Frankezombie 2) Chimera 3) Killer Croc
  • Freeze: He freezes his opponent (DD Str, on a 7-9 he attacks, on a 10 target escapes)
  • Sheer Cold Blade: +1 damage to weapons of allies
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.

Created by: Cabrejos15