The Thing in the Well Solitary, Large, Stealthy Dark Tentacles (w[2d12] damage) 16 HP 1 armor Reach, Near "Good morning," the Thing in the Well calls, "And how are we doing this morning Mrs. Westmen?" -- "Just wonderfully. How have you been keeping, Thing?" -- "Fine, fine. A little peckish, a bit in the mood for, you know, a nibble, a bite to eat. But don't worry yourself, perfectly fine." -- "It's quite alright Thing, I was just thinking I should bring by some lunch. How does a ham sound?" -- "You are too kind Mrs. Westmen, just too kind..." -- The Thing in the Well has lived in the village for longer than anyone can remember. It is traditional to fix regular meals for the Thing, and to present it with a sheep or pig on special occasions. Years ago a boy went down the well on a dare. He never returned. The subject has not been broached in the presence of the Thing. Instinct: To devour
- Politely collect tribute
- Leverage townspeople through secrets
- Purify water
- Hide in darkened waters
Kobold Horde, Small, Stealthy, Intelligent, Organized Spear (d6 damage) 3 HP 1 Armor Close, Reach Special Qualities: Dragon connection Some are wont to lump these little, rat-like dragon-men in with goblins and orcs, bugbears and hobgoblins. They are smarter and wiser than their kin, however. The kobolds are beholden slaves to dragons and were, in ancient times, their lorekeepers and sorcerer-servants. Their clans, with names like Ironscale and Whitewing, form around a dragon master and live to serve and do its bidding. Spotting a kobold means more are near—and if more are near then a mighty dragon cannot be far, either. Instinct: To serve dragons
- Lay a trap
- Call on dragons or draconic allies
- Retreat and regroup
Halfling Thief Solitary, Small, Intelligent, Stealthy, Devious Dagger (w[2d8] damage) 12 HP 1 Armor Close It would be foolish, now, to draw conclusions about folks just because they happen to be good at one thing or another. Then again, a spade’s a spade, isn’t it. Or maybe just the goodly, soft-and-sweet type of Halfling have the mind to stay in their grassy-hill homes and aren’t the type you find in the slums and taverns of the mannish world. Perhaps they’re there to cut your purse for calling them “halfling” in the first place. Not all take so kindly to the title. Or they’re playing a game, pretending to be a child in need of alms—and your arrogant eyes can’t even see the difference until too late. Well, it matters little. They’re gone with your coin before you even realize you deserved it. Instinct: To live a life of stolen luxury
- Steal
- Put on the appearance of friendship
Ghetto Goblin Group, Small, Stealthy, Intelligent, Hoarder Knife (d8 damage) 10 HP 1 armor Close, Near "Aww Man...Not them again..." Instinct: To take
- Thief
- Con Artist
Snap Dragons Group, Small Shock Tails (d8 damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 1 armor Close, Reach, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: An electric shock The Snap Dragon is a a small airborne predator that hunts the shifting dune sea outside Al-Shadizzar. It normally hunts small lizards and the like but if pushed it will attack even armored adventurers with its claws and a powerful electric shock. Instinct: To drive prey to their death
- Swoop in and shock
Scaled Bear Group, Large, Cautious Claws (b[2d8+4] damage 1 piercing) 14 HP 3 armor Forceful, Reach Special Qualities: Scaled Hide The Scaled Bear is an abomination created by a dragon cult splicing dragon genes in with a normal bear to create a more perfect monster. This beast is more aggressive than normal bears due to the excruciating pain caused by the scales. Instinct: To survive
- Roar viciously
- Rend flesh
Blight Dragon Solitary, Huge, Magical, Intelligent, Hoarder Ice Breath (b[2d12+5] damage 4 piercing) 24 HP 4 armor Reach, Forceful, Far Special Qualities: Rapid Regeneration, Flight The Blighted Dragon wishes to destroy all life, extending it's blight and influence over the dead. It's Blighted breath shrivels and rots any living flesh it touches, any dead are raised as minions to help spread the blight further. It's Ice Breath burns all it touches with blue flame. When the need arrises, it can also take on the form of a Humanoid, wielding a massive two handed sword made of Dragon Bone Instinct: Destroy all Life
- Blighted Breath
- Freezing Fog
- Fly-by Attacks
- Bite
- Shapeshift to Humanoid
Stone Golem Solitary, Construct, Amorphous Fist Slam (d10+4 damage 1 piercing) 23 HP 4 armor Close, Forceful Special Qualities: A stone statue animated to life, Vulnerable to blunt weapons A stone statue made of dark granite. It's features are blunt and vague, as if the stonemason got bored of carving it after making a rough humanoid shape. It's hands, for want of a better description are misshapen rough lumps. It stands vigil, one arm down the other imitating a fist to heart pose. Instinct: Guard the way ahead
- Slam
- Smash
- Stomp
- Crush