Most Recent Creation
King Kilax Solo, Large, Magical, Organized, Terrifying Fire Sword (b[2d10+2] damage 1 piercing) 24 HP 3 armor Forceful Special Qualities: Demon King Kilax is the lord of the Firelands. He calls upon the Fire Hounds for support. He attacks with all things fire. Instinct: To burn
- Fire Storm: Rain of Fire, Fire Swarm. Fire engulfs targets
- Anything with fire
- Release the fire hounds!
Most Recent Up-vote
Raphiel the Shadow Dragon Solitary, Huge, Divine, Intelligent Shadow Breath, this attack causes 3 extra damage (2 d12+4 damage) 25 HP 3 armor Reach, Forceful, Ignores Armor, Near, Far This dragon is huge, it is larger then the empire state building. You are in for a real fight. It is black and loves cold icy lands. When it walks the ground shakes like a thunderous earthquake. It breathes black fire called shadow fire. Covers the sight of players in darkness. When he roars, cover your ears or suffer 2D6 of damage. He is the heart of evil, so you must kill what...? Instinct: To Destroy all in his path
- Shadow Breath, players can't see anything