King Kilax Solo, Large, Magical, Organized, Terrifying Fire Sword (b[2d10+2] damage 1 piercing) 24 HP 3 armor Forceful Special Qualities: Demon King Kilax is the lord of the Firelands. He calls upon the Fire Hounds for support. He attacks with all things fire. Instinct: To burn
- Fire Storm: Rain of Fire, Fire Swarm. Fire engulfs targets
- Anything with fire
- Release the fire hounds!
Death Zombies Group, Devious, Construct, Terrifying Claws (d6+2 damage) 6 HP 0 armor Close, Forceful Special Qualities: Magic, Zombie! Death Zombies are your run of the mill zombie. Why is called death? Because if a zombie bites you, you start becoming a zombie and know only death. But where did they come from, who made them, how do you get rid of them? Instinct: To Quench
- Turns victims into zombies
- Turns victims to zombies
Deep Water Croc Solitary, Large Claws, Tail, Teeth (b[2d10] damage 1 piercing) 16 HP 2 armor A crocodile of the deep waters Instinct: To Devour
Devin the Mage Knight Solitary, Stealthy, Divine, Magical, Devious Sword (b[2d6+4] damage) 25 HP 1 armor Close, Forceful Devin is a powerful Mage Knight. He creates Ghost Knights to do his bidding. He also creates illusions of all kinds. He lives in a tower. Instinct: To control
- He creates ghosts
- It creates illusion
- Illusions and ghosts
- It creates illusions, be careful that might be your friend your attacking! Or is it?
Ghost Knights Itself (b[2d8+4] damage) 14 HP 3 armor Forceful Special Qualities: Ghost Knights are created to create chaos and destruction. When one dies, another will soon take its place else where., It's a ghost! Ghost Knights range in several colors and each color has a meaning. Turquoise, Water, it uses water and creates water to attack, it can also summon creatures that live in the sea. Green, Plants, if you are in a forest it will use trees, plants, vines. Black, Death, Decay, it can also turn its victims to zombies. White, Life, Healing, Growth, if a player misses with an attack the knight heals itself. Gray, metal, rocks. Yellow, Gold, Jewels, you can find this knight mostly around treasure. Red, Fire, Smoke, Lightning, this knight loves to set things a blaze. Brown, Earth, Animals, it controls the earth, and it might summon animals of the earth to aid it. Blue, Wind, Birds, Storms, a knight of the sky, summons great birds, creates storms and wind. Pink, the knight that hears all. Orange, the knight that smells all. Purple, the knight that sees all. Be careful around them, they may not have alot of life, but they can be tough with their magic. Instinct: To make undead
Fire Wolves Group, Small, Magical, Divine, Planar, Terrifying Fire (b[1d8+3] damage 3 piercing) 8 HP 4 armor Close Special Qualities: A Fire Wolf Fire Wolves know nothing but fear and death. They are pure fire. It is up to the players how they will defeat fire. A Fire Wolves with burn anything it touches. So be extra careful. These wolves serve Lord Ameris and him only. Instinct: To Serve Lord Ameris
- Burns to the touch
- Burns to the touch
- It's a demon
Lord Ameris Solitary, Large, Divine, Magical, Planar, Construct, Terrifying Black Sword (b[2d8+4] damage 1 piercing) 23 HP 2 armor Forceful Lord Ameris is an extremely powerful demon leader. He can often be seen with the Dark Knight. Don't step too soon of he will blast you with fire or lava. Has an army of Fire Wolves. The only way to defeat him is with Elendil. If you defeat him, you defeat the Fire Wolves. Instinct: To Destroy
- Fire Balls
- Anything with fire and lava
- He knows of the Dark Knight
Archers of Darkness Group Bows and Arrows (b[1d6] damage) 5 HP 2 armor Close The Archers of Darkness are vicious demons. They defend Elendil and Specter to the death. Be careful, for there are many of them. Instinct: To Kill