Giant Scorpion Group Tail Sting (d8+2 damage 2 piercing) 10 HP 3 armor Close, Reach Special Qualities: Stinging tail The Giant Scorpion lives in warm desert like environments. It makes it's nest in black organic chitinous like hives that if forms from it's spittle. It is usually a solitary animal, however it is not uncommon to occasionally find nests of up to 5 or six of the creatures. As well as it's iconic stinging tail, it also has two large pincers that can grab and constrict it's victims. It often uses the rotting remains of it's latest kill as a nest for a clutch of eggs to that the hatch-lings have something to immediately feed on. Instinct: Lay it's eggs in rotting flesh
- Inject a nasty poison
- Grab and Crush
- Grab and Tear
- Lay eggs in dead flesh
Blight Dragon Solitary, Huge, Magical, Intelligent, Hoarder Ice Breath (b[2d12+5] damage 4 piercing) 24 HP 4 armor Reach, Forceful, Far Special Qualities: Rapid Regeneration, Flight The Blighted Dragon wishes to destroy all life, extending it's blight and influence over the dead. It's Blighted breath shrivels and rots any living flesh it touches, any dead are raised as minions to help spread the blight further. It's Ice Breath burns all it touches with blue flame. When the need arrises, it can also take on the form of a Humanoid, wielding a massive two handed sword made of Dragon Bone Instinct: Destroy all Life
- Blighted Breath
- Freezing Fog
- Fly-by Attacks
- Bite
- Shapeshift to Humanoid
Vrock Group, Magical, Intelligent, Cautious, Planar Claws, Bites, Talons (b[2d10+2] damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 4 armor Close, Near Special Qualities: Wings are like a sheet of steel Vrocks are vicious fighters who like to fly down into the enemy and cause as much damage as possible. They prance about in battle, taking briefly to the air and bringing their clawed feet into play. Despite their advantage in mobility, the vrocks’ deep love of battle frequently leads them into melee combats against heavy odds Instinct: Battle against all odds!
- Prance in and out of combat brandishing tooth and nail
- Release a cloud of painful spores
- Summon Ally
- Stunning Screech
Greater Fire Elemental Solitary, Huge, Magical, Planar, Amorphous Flame Jet (b[2d12+5] damage) 27 HP 5 armor Reach, Ignores Armor, Far Special Qualities: Requires Fuel and Air to Survive, Water Causes 1d6 Damage & Ignores armor A greater fire elemental appears as a very large sheet of flame, roughly humanoid in shape, bearing two arm-like appendages. The only facial features noticeable on a greater fire elemental are its eyes, which glow an intense, bright red. Though they are incapable of speech, greater fire elementals are able to make sounds similar to the hisses and crackles of a large fire, they can use their intense heat to also draw and funnel the wind creating a loud howling noise. Greater fire elementals can form a great flame that resembles a whip that they strike at distant enemies. The whip is also used to slam into the floor creating a temporary river of molten rock. Greater fire elementals tend to survive only as long as there is fuel to feed their insatiable appetites, once the fuel is gone, the fire elemental will die leaving only a pool of hardening obsidian as the only evidence of it's existence. Instinct: To Burn Everything it Can
- Flame Whip
- Create Magma Rivers
- Commune with fire
- Engulf Target
- Melt Weapons and Armor
Guild Assassin Leader Group, Stealthy, Magical, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder Dirk (b[2d10+2] damage 2 piercing) 12 HP 3 armor Thrown (Dirk), Close Special Qualities: Has swallowed a rare potion that nullifies the effects of magic. Total armor against magic is 5 The leader of the Assassin's Guild is a canny and deadly adversary. He's the leader for a reason, his people look up to him and sometimes fear him for he is the deadliest person they've ever known. His skills with the knife are unsurpassed, diving into and out of range, melding with shadows that seem to follow his every movement. Each time he cuts, his blades pierce a vital spot while yours will find only air... When the guild leader takes on a contract there is no point in trying to run, you'll only die tired. Instinct: Rule by example
- Whirling Blades of Death
- Backstab - roll b[3d10+2]
- Nullify Magic (+2 armor against magic)
- Escape to call for aid
Guild Assassin Group, Stealthy, Organized, Intelligent Dirk & Crossbow (b[2d8] damage 2 piercing) 8 HP 1 armor Thrown (Dirk), Close The guild assassin when at war will hunt in packs of four (known as a quad). They are expert knife-men and will often work together to flank a target delivering vicious strikes to vulnerable spots. The crossbow is generally used to ambush their targets or take down a fleeing mark. Instinct: To complete the contract
- Kill cleanly and quietly
- Backstab - roll b[3d8]
- Escape to call for aid
- Hide in shadows
Stone Golem Solitary, Construct, Amorphous Fist Slam (d10+4 damage 1 piercing) 23 HP 4 armor Close, Forceful Special Qualities: A stone statue animated to life, Vulnerable to blunt weapons A stone statue made of dark granite. It's features are blunt and vague, as if the stonemason got bored of carving it after making a rough humanoid shape. It's hands, for want of a better description are misshapen rough lumps. It stands vigil, one arm down the other imitating a fist to heart pose. Instinct: Guard the way ahead
- Slam
- Smash
- Stomp
- Crush
Sewer Crocodile Solitary, Large, Stealthy Bite (d10+4 damage 1 piercing) 16 HP 2 armor Forceful, Near These sewer dwellers float along the murky waters of sewers looking for it's next hapless victim be it Rat, Goblin, Thief or Adventurer. 'Ware the one caught in it's steely bite as it dives into the depths to tear and drown it's victims. Instinct: To consume
- Roam the murky depths of the sewers
- Lunge from the sludge
- Tripping tail whip
Mob Goon Group, Intelligent, Organized Machette (d8 damage) 6 HP 1 armor Close When you look upon the Mob Goon, there’s clearly not much more than malice and hatred behind the small pig like eyes. Years of being the biggest and strongest street rat means that the local Mob Boss recruits them as bodyguards or enforcers of mob law. They'll take every opportunity to gain the upper hand, be it sand in your eyes, or a thrown bottle of strong spirits with a flaming cloth rag, after all dirty tricks and back-stabbing come as easy as breathing. Instinct: To dominate
- Breaks bones
- Call for aid
- Dirty Tricks