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Quicksilver Ooze Solitary, Large, Hoarder, Amorphous Hardened Slap (d10 damage) 19 HP 1 armor Near Those who go delving for the earth's bounty would do well to beware the host of metallic oozes that can be found. The Quicksilver Ooze is the name given to various different species of ooze with a silvery metallic appearance. Attracted to valuable metals, they envelop them and melt them down inside their gelatinous body. While the exterior is normally slightly cold to the touch, the centre of the ooze is capable of reaching temperatures high enough to melt wolfram. Instinct: to envelop
- Grab someone with an appendage
- Incinerate anything caught inside
- Create a hardened metal shell
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Cursed Jewelry Solitary, Tiny, Intelligent, Hoarder, Construct, Amorphous, Stealthy Strangle (d8-2 damage) 19 HP 4 armor Hand, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: Made of precious metals and gems This piece of jewelry can be found in a treasure trove. It may not necessarily be a necklace, but if not, it will resize to about that size whenever the user is unaware, and travel to the neck where it does its ghastly deed. Instinct: Steal the air that they breathe
- Entice potential victims
- Move around on the sly
- Tighten its grasp on either the mind, or the body
- Make an animated escape upon discovery