Lemuel Manymouths Solitary, Large, Divine, Intelligent, Planar, Terrifying Biting appendages (b[2d10+4] damage) 22 HP 0 armor Reach Special Qualities: Several eel-like limbs, Biting mouths everywhere, Demonic fusion of aquatic creatures Lemuel has, in the end, been transformed by Sin into a demonic creature. He has melded with the creatures he once fed and now devours rather than butchers. His neck and chest sprout numerous eel-like appendages ending in the mouths of various fish: piranha, barracuda, lamprey, shark, angler. From his waist sprout the heads of monstrous sea lions with many rows of gnarled teeth. The rest of his form is a hybrid of limbs designed for amphibious movement. Instinct: To devour by a thousand nips
- Attack with a dozen bites from all directions
- Summon horrors with an offering of flesh
- Draw them in by several biteholds
Cannibal White Seal Solitary, Stealthy, Terrifying Vertical maw (d10+4 damage) 16 HP 1 armor Close, Forceful Special Qualities: Powerful Swimmer, Heat Sense, Uncanny Smell, Unnatural Maw This white seal was transformed by Lemuel's powerful Sin into a cannibal. It hunts its own kind, but will not hesitate to taste the viscera of humans that stray too near. It looks like a normal white seal of the Sunless Sea: about the size of a horse, eyeless, albino white, with dark heat sensing patches and a complex nose which gives it an excellent sense of smell in or out of water. Get too close, though, and it splits along its ventral side, revealing a foul-smelling maw made of the teeth and bones of its former meals. Bits of crimson-streaked blubber stick between teeth and bone spurs. Instinct: to taste blood
- Hunt by smell and heat
- Appear to be a normal white seal
- Trap them in a man-sized maw.
Lemuel the Butcher Solitary, Intelligent, Planar Flaying and butcher knives (d10 damage) 10 HP 1 armor Close Special Qualities: Inhuman Senses Lemuel was once a scout and guide for the nearby settlements. Unfortunately, he was too brash in his exploits, flouting the laws of the Gods as passed down in the ancient rites. Once denied their protection from the madness of the land, he began acting strangely. While transiting the Sunless Sea, he got into an argument with the expedition's cook. A dropped butcher's knife severed one of Lemuel's toes, which tumbled into the water. The guide's keen eyes were transfixed by the sight of a school of fish which tore the gobbet of flesh apart before he could recover it. Before the day was out, the rest of his expedition had been served up to the denizens of the sea. But a proper butcher tests his own wares, does he not? Lemuel's powerful Sin has infested the animals that fed on his compatriots. Instinct: to feed the fish
- Savagely rend pieces from his foes
- Feed the sea to summon more demons
- Fight in the dark by sound and smell
Cult of Piranha Demons Horde, Small, Intelligent, Terrifying Needle teeth and barbed spears (d4+2 damage 1 piercing) 20 HP (Group) 1 armor Close Special Qualities: Uncanny blend of human and fish, No biological needs A demonic fusion of the features of piranhas and human children, each is a unique mixture. One has the lower half of a human being melded with the front half of an ugly, predatory fish. The next is mostly pale, scaled piranha, with human arms protruding from the sides clutching a cartiliginous spear, with a leering human face. Their random features result in varying capability to walk, swim, and fight, but gathered into a swarm known as a cult, they are vicious and dangerous nonetheless. Being demonspawn, they have no real need to breathe or eat, though they do the latter anyway. They whisper threats and dark secrets as they swarm. Instinct: To leave other creatures in tiny chunks
- Swarm and attack from all sides
- Lead them into dangerous waters
- Cast hooked nets over them
Coffin Jellyfish Group, Large, Stealthy, Devious, Amorphous Ensnaring tendrils (d4 damage) 9 HP 0 armor It appears as a floating corpse such as a human skeleton or decaying fish. When you realize something is off- a mailed skeleton shouldn't be floating, or the carcass is encased in a crystal clear coffin of gelatin- it disgorges its contents at you along with a sticky fluid. They are impossible to spot from underwater, as they hold their contents above the surface. Rarely, a malformed, 'tall' coffin jellyfish will hold its contents upright, giving the appearance of a ghastly levitating body, drifting ever closer over the surface of dark waters. This horse-sized jellyfish thrives in freshwater or seawater. Capable of tipping over fishing vessels, it often succeeds in dumping victims directly into its maw. Prey in the water is captured in a forest of tendrils. Both suffer the same fate. Held beneath the water, air-breathers drown quickly, to be digested later. Fish and their ilk are little better off, as gelatinous flesh suffocates them. Satisfied with a single man-sized meal, a coffin jellyfish will likely try to slowly flee after engulfing one person. Instinct: To feed slowly on drowned flesh
- Appear as a floating corpse
- Vomit corpses at them
- Rock or capsize small boats
- Engulf living flesh into its gelatinous body
River Child Group, Small, Stealthy, Devious, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder Sharp rocks and sticks (d4 damage 1 piercing) 10 HP 0 armor Close, Near Special Qualities: Friend of animals, Can breathe underwater. River children look like human toddlers or small children, frolicking naked near rivers and pools. They are actually trickster spirits that love nothing more than to delight in the pain, suffering, and death of mortals. A favorite tactic is to pretend to drown near the den of a crocodile, or play near a sharp cliff and trip or push the adults who come to save them. If they are spotted for what they are, they will offer truths, such as the location of their treasures, in exchange for performing dangerous dares or playing deadly games with them. Instinct: To laugh at others misfortune.
- Play dangerous games.
- Lure them close to dangerous animals.
- Trade truths for dares.
- Get underfoot hang on.
Maggot Spirit Solitary, Small, Magical, Devious, Planar, Amorphous Ethereal teeth (d6 damage) 19 HP 5 armor Close, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: Ethereal being. Have you lost someone in your life who was important to you? Why can't you remember what color their eyes were anymore? Why has their face become blurry over the months and years? Their smell- what was it? Tobacco? No, why can't you remember the precious details of those you loved? The maggot spirit is why. When the memories are no longer living and growing in your mind, the maggot spirit smells them. It nibbles slowly until the decaying memories are gone. But sometimes it's still hungry, and like its material cousin, sometimes it then bores into the living parts, and then there's pain and blood. Only the pain is mental anguish, the blood is leaking sanity. Only someone who can pierce the veil of the ethereal can help you then. Instinct: To nibble endlessly.
- Eat away at memories of the dead.
- When there's no decaying memories left, dig into living mind.
- Latch onto the soul.
Meathook the Wyvern Solitary, Large Tail sting (d10+2 damage 2 piercing) 20 HP 2 armor Special Qualities: Flight. Grafted meathooks. Poison sting. Meathook is a wyvern reared by a Naugrim Gorelock. It has been horrendously tortured and hooks and knives grafted into its scales. It has been trained to impale living humans onto its grafted weapons for capture. The Naugrim maintain its loyalty by allowing it a reprieve from continuous pain when it performs as desired. It can also carry a few dwarves into battle if needed. Instinct: To earn a reprieve from pain.
- Impale the living on its hooks.
Naugrim Gorelock Solitary, Large, Magical, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder, Terrifying Lash of braided intestines (d10+2 damage) 16 HP 0 armor Forceful, Reach Special Qualities: Wears limbs as ornaments. Sometimes Naugrim who have served too long in the elite become too close to the bloody God that powers them. These crazed dwarves wear no armor so that they can feel the slick of enemy blood on their skin. They have a strange power over blood and raw flesh they touch, commanding it to obey their will. Instinct: To bathe in torn flesh.
- Use fallen flesh to create warped magics.
- Burst organs and boil blood.
- Use an ally as a biological bomb.
Naugrim Elite Group, Large, Divine, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder, Terrifying Cruel, spiked hammers (b[2d8+6] damage) 18 HP 2 armor Forceful Special Qualities: Delights in death and gore. The Naugrim elite are the storm-troopers of the dwarven forces. Their arms are drenched in gore and faces covered with a horrible mask to a bloody God. The Naugrim grow to monstrous size when they perform their rituals and don their masks, awakening their giant-kin blood. They enjoy pulling people apart and bludgeoning them into a sickening paste. They go into battle fully armed and armored in enchanted mail that grows with them. They are among the most feared battle forces in all the lands. Instinct: To get bloody revenge.
- Hulk out and crush foes.
- Hurl an ally into their ranks.