Naugrim Elite Group, Large, Divine, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder, Terrifying
Cruel, spiked hammers (b[2d8+6] damage) 18 HP 2 armor
Special Qualities: Delights in death and gore.

The Naugrim elite are the storm-troopers of the dwarven forces. Their arms are drenched in gore and faces covered with a horrible mask to a bloody God. The Naugrim grow to monstrous size when they perform their rituals and don their masks, awakening their giant-kin blood. They enjoy pulling people apart and bludgeoning them into a sickening paste. They go into battle fully armed and armored in enchanted mail that grows with them. They are among the most feared battle forces in all the lands. Instinct: To get bloody revenge.

  • Hulk out and crush foes.
  • Hurl an ally into their ranks.

Created by: Lunatic Pathos