Most Recent Creation
Sharknado Solitary, Huge, Magical Flung shark (b[2d10+5] damage) 23 HP 5 armor Reach, Near, Far Special Qualities: Immune to weapons. The tornado part, not the sharks part. It's a tornado. Full of sharks. 'Nuff said. 'Nuff said indeed. Instinct: To destroy
- Fling sharks at things
- Toss things around with powerful winds
- Bring forth the terrible fury of nature. And sharks.
Most Recent Up-vote
Ice Mummer Group, Stealthy, Construct, Terrifying Slam (d8 damage) 10 HP 1 armor Close Special Qualities: Made of Ice The reconstituted frozen remains of a person ritually frozen then shattered, an ice mummer is the agent of what most certainly is a greater evil. Bound to its icy rusted bronze mask, the voiceless ice mummer is a harbinger of its master’s incursion. Instinct: To obey its master
- To be its master’s eyes
- Disperse in a whirlwind of ice and snow
- Reveal the horror beneath the mask