Marionette Lancer Group, Construct
Twin spears (b[2d8] damage 1 piercing) 10 HP 4 armor
Close, Reach
Special Qualities: Four arms, Body of wood

The sorcerer-kings of old could and would employ common soldiery of course. But that's just to be practical. When allowed to play, and when organised in their efforts they made (more literal) puppets. Programmed with knowledge of how to fight, and laden with more arms (if you're creating something new you may as well make an improvement while you're there), these fearless automatons, clad in easily made metal armour riveted to their frames can become cost efficient if done in the right way. So they did, and their legions of dolls marched against their foes. Twin spears is more than most spear-wielders can use, and when deployed with ruthless efficiency and coordination can turn and rout any army worth its stuff. Not to mention when deployed in such numbers, this especially endangers the ordinarily brave knights. Funny how they suddenly seem more reluctant to fight. Instinct: To obey

  • Form an implacable walls of spears
  • Suffer a malfunction and attack everything in a blind fury
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.

Created by: Infinite Oregano