Formian Taskmaster Solitary, Devious, Organized, Intelligent
Stinging tail (d6 damage 2 piercing) 12 HP 1 armor

The Formian Taskmaster is the size of a Soldier, but its purpose isn’t combat. The Taskmaster exists to organize and telepathically command the Formian Soldiers and Drones around it. Additionally, a Formian Taskmaster is never without a Dominated creature that it can send into battle to protect it. If an enemy ever did reach the Taskmaster though, it would be wise to avoid the creature’s venemous sting, which rapidly saps the victim’s strength, rendering the Formian’s opponent vulnerable and compliant. Instinct: Enact the Queen’s will

  • Mentally dominate a creature using psychic power
  • Sting with a strength-sapping poison
  • Telepathically call other Formians to its aid

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