Wraith Solitary, Magical, Devious
Magical Touch (d6 damage) 16 HP 4 armor
Close, Ignores Armor
Special Qualities: Incorpereal Movement/ Sunlight Sensitivity/ Resists Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Thunder, Any Non-Magical Weapon/ Necrotic & Poison Immunity.

A creature of malice incarnate, concentrated into the incorporeal being that seeks to destroy life for one reason or another. Completely filled with hatred, its necrotic touch is nothing to joke around. The negativity within can make flowers wilt with its mere passage of the world! Animals flee from its presence and even smaller fires can be put out. Only faint glimmers of the Wraiths' previous life linger. Instinct: To consume life.

  • Create Spectre from a fresh corpse
  • Draining Touch: If Successfully hit, Necrotic damage taken, temporary loss of whole HP, Partial Success only half lost.

Created by: Danny_B876