Mob Lieutenant Group, Stealthy, Devious, Intelligent, Hoarder
Fancy Boot Knife (d4 damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 0 armor

The Mob Lieutenant is necessary if a Bandit King (or otherwise) wants to keep order within his organization. The Mob Lieutenant is the eyes & ears of their leader and keeps track of everything going on around town. While not deadly on their own, they are usually surrounded by their men and a couple of Enforcers. The Mob Lieutenant will do or say anything she can to learn secrets, gain coin, and look powerful. Keeping up appearances is very important as they only need to appear weak once and they will lose the respect of their men and the fear of the commoners. Instinct: To be the eyes & ears of the organization

  • Issue a mob-sanctioned threat
  • Make a deal you don't attend to keep
  • Command Enforcers to protect him

Created by: CuznJay