Thross, God of Greed Solitary, Huge, Magical, Divine, Devious, Intelligent, Cautious, Hoarder, Planar, Terrifying
Crushing Tail Whip (d10+9 damage) 30 HP 7 armor
Reach, Forceful, Ignores Armor
Special Qualities: Appears as a giant serpent, deep black eyes, long white fangs

Greed has a name and it is Thross, a ~200' serpent adorned in shimmering jewelry with a massive rubied crown upon his head. Unlike the other deities, Thross has no followers as he fears they will desire his belongings. He travels from plane to plane taking anything he wants and ultimately leaving these worlds with nothing of value. His curse is that he desires only what others desire, therefor when anyone has attempted to keep something from him it drives him mad with envy and he will stop at nothing to take it or keep it. Instinct: To pillage

  • Crush enemies with its immense size
  • Force foes into offering all of their belongings
  • Prevent basic damage with thick hide and magical protection
  • Know what others desire

Created by: CuznJay