Shadow Demon Group, Small, Magical, Devious, Organized, Intelligent, Terrifying
Claws, Teeth, & Wings (b[2d4] damage 2 piercing) 10 HP 3 armor
Close, Near, Far
Special Qualities: Black bat-like wings, Black leathery skin, long pointed wings, red-tipped claws, blood-red horns, razor-sharp teeth, glowing red eyes

These blackened, winged monsters will attack anyone who threatens to stop their master who is often a greater demon or devil and holds power over them. They often fight dirty, swooping in from the shadows to slash an unaware enemy, and if they do fight face-to-face they will call out for help if they fear they are outmatched. Instinct: To protect their master

  • Attack enemies from the air
  • Hurl black and red swirls of energy
  • Avoid attacks with speed and agility
  • Screech to alert other demons to your presence

Created by: CuznJay