Caterwaul Solitary
rock rending claws (d6 damage 1 piercing) 12 HP 1 armor

Caterwauls are vicious feline creatures with short, midnight-blue fur, yellow eyes and a long, prehensile tail. The face has an almost elven look, with its delicately pointed ears and almondshaped eyes.
The caterwaul’s preferred method of attack is to hide in a tree or rock outcropping above a trail and leap onto its victim, chasing it only if necessary. Caterwauls are able to move on their hind legs at great speed, then drop to all fours to move even faster.
The caterwaul is normally a militantly solitary creature, leaving its mother after only three months of life. The normal lifespan of a caterwaul is 5 years. During its life it will breed a maximum of three times. Caterwauls do not mate for life, as this would necessitate a permanent companion.
Caterwauls are generally found in low mountains, especially those with thick vegetation. Like most felines, the caterwaul hates water, but it can swim if necessary. Its diet is exclusively meat, generally large rodents, but larger prey is not uncommon, and it will occasionally supplement its hunting with a raid on domestic sheep or cattle. After killing something the size of a sheep or larger, the caterwaul will gorge itself, and then it may not hunt again for up to ten days. It will, however, defend its territory at any time from all intruders. The caterwaul is not a scavenger, and will not even finish off its own kills if they are more than a day old.
The caterwaul’s prehensile tail is of little use in combat, but the creature will often use its tail to secure its food for eating. It will also use it as a sort of “hand” to brush twigs or other obstructions out of its line of sight when it is waiting in ambush. Like most cats, the caterwaul’s tail is also an elegant indicator of the creature’s emotions. Ecology: Caterwauls have no natural enemy, including man. They hunt only for food, and fight to defend their territory. The claws of a caterwaul may be used in the creation of a sword of sharpness. Its fur is prized for its unusual color, but must be carefully treated to remove the caterwaul’s scent.
Converted from AD&D Fiend Folio
Instinct: to gorge itself

  • Unleash a earpiercing screech
  • Climb virtually any surface
  • move with prenatural haste
  • Approach unheard
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.

Created by: Lyn_Gordon