Dark Mist Solitary, Magical, Stealthy, Devious, Intelligent, Terrifying, Amorphous
Psychic blast (d8 damage 1 piercing) 19 HP 7 armor
Close, Ignores Armor, Far
Special Qualities: Insubstatial, polymorphic, Just a black mist, in human form it has NO PUPILS

"What happened to him? The prince, I mean?" "Oh, the other boy turned out to be a Dark Mist. It got inside the prince and possessed him. He started killing people and casting bad, bad spells on them so they would die, leaving perfect places for other Mists to grow. Once everyone in the village died-except me, I escaped-the Mist killed him, and corrupted his soul- thus creating a Dark Mist out of the prince." "Are they real?" "Very real indeed- but I'll keep you safe. "Thank you." Created by Zola Instinct: to corrupt

  • Take a physical form
  • Trick somebody into betraying their allies
  • Creat enchanted darkness that takes over someone's mind
  • Kill somebody that is in its control

Created by: KingstonC