Grimcleaver Solitary, Magical, Stealthy, Divine, Devious, Intelligent, Hoarder, Planar, Construct, Terrifying, Amorphous
Grimcleaver (b[3w[3d10+6] damage 2 piercing) 25 HP 7 armor
Close, Forceful
Special Qualities: Blood-soaked armor, Shadow mist, Stunning gaze, Nightmare aura

Seven-foot-tall suits of blood-drenched armor wreathed in unnatural shadows, these terrible creatures were born of some dark god in times forgotten. Their purpose is to terrify and brutalize, before killing their prey. Their true names long forgotten, they're called now after their massive blades which cut not just flesh, but hopes, thoughts, memories, and bonds. When a grimcleaver approaches you, roll+wis. On a 10+, you overcome it's aura with nothing more than base uneasiness. On a 7-9, the GM picks one. On a miss, both. * If you immediately flee, mark XP * If you don't flee, take -1 ongoing while you're near it When you look right at a grimcleaver's face, roll+cha. On any results, it knows what you fear. On a 10+, it's also locked in gaze with you, fascinated, doing nothing for a moment. On a miss, you're overcome by visions of your fears. Instinct: To terrorize

  • Sever something
  • Vanish into or appear from shadows
  • Pursue beyond all odds
  • See fears

Created by: Alex Davis