Pit Fiend Solitary, Large, Magical, Stealthy, Divine, Intelligent, Planar, Terrifying
Flaming Sword. (b[2d12+6] damage 4 piercing) 22 HP 6 armor
Forceful, Reach, Ignores Armor, Near
Special Qualities: Doesn't need to breath, Flight, immune to fire., Looks like everyone you have ever wronged.

The Pit fiend is the master of hell. He is what causes lesser demons to fear retribution or failure. Hate, anger, destruction, chaos, torment, and power. These are the tools of the Pit fiend, and they are his sustenance. If ever you should encounter such a creature, know that hope is lost. Instinct: To merge the planes.

  • Bring Chaos and destruction.
  • Disarm/weaken with Fire Whip.
  • Call power onto itself.
  • Act on visions from the pit.

Created by: Mattaius