Ogre Group, Large
Large Club (b[2d8+4] damage, 1 piercing) 14 HP 1 armor
Close, Reach, Forceful

Brutally strong, and dumb as rocks. That's what makes ogres so useful...and so dangerous. Ogres kill for food and pleasure. Big, dumb, brutal, savage. These words hardly succeed in capturing the extent to which the massive humanoids embody these traits. An ogre smashes a creature's head for laughs and then eats it's victim raw after it forgets how to make fire. If enough parts remain after the brute has gorged itself, the ogre might make a loincloth from its quarry's skin and a necklace from any leftover bones. By the time it's finished, the ogre is probably hungry again. Few ogres can count to ten, even with their fingers in front of them. Most can barely speak a rudimentary form of Giant and know only a handful of Common words, with "smash," "gimme," and "food" being the most prevalent. Ogres are easy to fool or confuse, though they smash things they don't understand. Cruelty is an ogre's dominant trait. They are also lazy, surly, and easily cowed. The powerful often round up ogres as slaves or willing servants. Even weaker creatures can frighten an ogre into submission if their numbers are great enough. Ogres use pelts for clothing and uproot trees and boulders as crude tools and weapons. They prefer stone-tipped javelins for hunting and stone axes for fighting. They sleep in caves, animal dens, or under overhangs or trees. Instinct: To kill and eat, and not necessarily in that order

  • Smash something
  • Fly into a rage
  • Take something by force
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.

Created by: Krynos Pentegarn