Drider Solitary, Large, Magical, Organized, Intelligent, Planar
Longsword/ Spells (b[2d10] damage) 18 HP 2 armor
Reach, Near
Special Qualities: Spider Climbing/ Web-slinging

When a promising Drow is summoned by the Spider Queen, the price for failure is well known. Turning those deemed unworthy into Drider, these half Drow half spider creatures are a living reminder of the price of failure for the Drow. Sometimes returning to the material realm for the finishing of matters it left behind as a Drow, they vary widely in social aspects, from the lonely wanderers to the leader of a pack of giant spiders. Always venture carefully into the Underdark as these beasts will inevitably be there! Instinct: To fulfill a longstanding vow or vendetta.

  • Spider Climb: Can walk on difficult surfaces, including cielings.
  • Fae-fire: A burst of summoned fae fire that lights any surface with flame.
  • Call to arms: Calls forth a squadron for support.
  • Fae ancestry protects againt being charmed or put to sleep through magical means.
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.

Created by: Danny_B876