Death Knight Group, Magical, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder
Longsword (b[2d8+2] damage) 14 HP 3 armor
Close, Reach

Once a follower of truth and justice, now fallen to the depths of darkness through the failing actions made in life. Now this Paladin shall roam the plains as a hateful undead creature. Clad in plate-mail, its skeletal form brings forth war from the darkness to blot out the living. The only true way known to stop a Death Knight for good is for it to atone for the life of wickedness or to find redemption from the evil acts committed in life. Sometimes commanding lesser undead, and still wielding its divine magic, staring into those intensely burning points it calls eyes, its hard to think of any kind of salvation or redemption... Instinct: To spread darkness and evil

  • Rises again after being defeated
  • Casts divine spells (from Clerics Spell List)
  • Calls forth a squad of undead

Created by: Danny_B876