The Dungeon Master of Daunting Castle | Solitary, Magical, Stealthy, Divine, Devious, Intelligent, Hoarder, Planar, Terrifying | |
Searing Iron Brand (d10+4 damage) | 18 HP | 4 armor |
Close, Near | ||
Special Qualities: Its eyes are orbs of perfect evil. |
Nobody knows whether the dungeons or the castle were built first; none the less, it is to the Daunting's advantage to have such a devil haunt the halls beneith their floors. The Dungeon Master is trapped within the dungeons; but within those walls he is the master, and his will bends to no one. For as long as the Dauntings have ruled this land, they have used these dungeons to dispose of anyone unsavory, or troublesome... so far, none have escaped to tell tale of the horrors below. Instinct: to imprison
Created by: Rob