Kenku Group, Stealthy, Devious, Organized, Intelligent, Cautious, Hoarder
Short sword (d4 damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 2 armor
Special Qualities: Mimic the sound of anything ever heard

"I'm telling you, he had a beak and clawed hands!" said the prisoner. "Right. I've heard that one before. And there were a dozen of them," said the jailer. "Yeah! How'd you know?" "Because you ain't the first. I've heard lots of things. But the idea that there are a bunch bird men running things in this city is absurd. Think about it? Wouldn't someone have caught on by now? The council? The guards? The guilders? Shut up and face up to it…you did something stupid, and 10 years hard labor is your reward." Instinct: To collect that which shines

  • Pass through society without drawing attention
  • Numerous tools and weapons up its sleeve
  • Blackmail: Let other people do your dirty work!
  • Where there is one, many are sure to be found

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