Lantern Goblins Horde, small, organized, magical, intelligent
Spear (d6 damage) close 7 HP 1 armor

When a lantern goblin dies it’s light distributes to any nearby lantern goblins equally. Each lantern goblin that receives a dead goblin’s light increases its damage die by one size, up to d10 (or d12 if you have them—nothing else in Dungeon World uses a d12). If a lantern goblin with maximum-sized damage dice receives more light give it an additional die of the same size and take the best result, or give it +1 armor, or heal it of all damage, your choice. (Cloned from Instinct: to share the light.

  • Do as The Light commands
  • Die to harm an enemy
  • Unleash the light within
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.

Created by: ConstableBrew