Star Elves Solitary, Magical, Stealthy, Devious, Intelligent, Planar
Ornate small sword with lots of wicked jagged bits (b(2d8)) damage 1 piercing) 12 HP 2 armor

Once like the elves, the star elves left to build their towers and hear the strange mysteries of the song of the stars. Like noble knights and powerful weavers of arcane mysteries. They were driven far from the shore when their kingdoms of decadence and slavery threatened to overrun all the others. For a very, very long time they were forgotten, now they are back showing up in strange skyships, and retainers (slaves?) that are cold, beautiful and amoral. Looking into their eyes you see a field of stars and hear strange whisperings and each ones of the alien forces beyond the stars. Instinct: Bring forth strange knowledge from beyond the stars to dominate the other races

  • Create chaos through its otherworldly powers
  • Sow dissension through gifts with consequences like forbidden knowledge or artifacts
  • Cast a spell to twist reality or change ones fundamental behaviors and values
  • Bind someone to be their slaves with theirs strange magics and fascinations
  • Call forth a creature from beyond the stars sometimes beautiful and charming and sometimes insanely chaotic and terrifying
  • Telepatheically call a slave to defend
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 This monster has been edited. Its probably still cool, but its stats may not line up with standard monsters.

Created by: Steven Stewart