Yellow Mold Group, Small, Amorphous Health Drain (d8 damage) 9 HP 1 armor Close, Ignores Armor, Near Special Qualities: Fungal Sentience, Rapid Spread, Heat Seeker We had no idea that mold could be so deadly. -Surviving Member of the Black Iris Dungeoneering Society. Instinct: To consume flesh and heat
- Releases a puff of yellow spores.
Jotun Group, Huge, Magical, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder Massive Axe or Club (b[2d10+7] damage 3 piercing) 18 HP 3 armor Reach, Forceful, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: Resistant to Frost Created by the Yellow Dragon Svelvyar before the Aesir. The Jotun quickly rebelled against the dragon's rule waging war against the yellow wyrm. The dragon took great delight in destroying the giant's and their civilization. Now only a handful of the massive men remain biding their time to wage war against the dragon and his new favorite creation the Aesir. Instinct: To reclaim its kingdom. To resent the Aesir. To fight against the dragon
- Hew with giant axes
- Controls the winds of the North
- Blow sounding horn for reinforcements
Brynwulf Aesir Jarl Solitary, Devious, Intelligent, Hoarder Biter the Great Axe (b[2d8+4] damage 3 piercing) 16 HP 2 armor Reach, Forceful "He was even taller than the rest of them. If you can believe that. Massive fella' with a bald head and great yellow beard braided and forked down to his belt. And that axe he carries is the size of him and glints with evil intent from what I saw. I saw him wade into our first cohort and saw parts of our men fly in every direction. A head here. A foot and bit of leg there. Absolute carnage." -Last words of Titus Polonius before being executed for cowardice in the face of a foreign enemy. Instinct: To lead his people. To prove he is the strongest.
- Brutalize foes with Great Axe
- The Biter removes limbs.
Aesir Raider Horde, Organized, Intelligent, Cautious, Hoarder Axe (b[2d6+4] damage 1 piercing) 7 HP 3 armor Close, Forceful Taller than most normal men, clad in furs and leathers, sailing on dragon craved ships, the Aesir loom on the battlefield. Wild eyed and hairy they roar challenges in foreign tongues. Instinct: to take by force
- Chop with axes and swords
- Blow horn to signal allies