Kustor Maximus, Attas Venat Solitary, Divine, Intelligent Moon-corrupted spear (b[2d10+4] damage) 12 HP 3 armor Close, Forceful, Reach, Near 7ft tall, armor plated, religious fanatic. Instinct: To relentlessly pursue his quarry.
- Force them into a corner with nowhere to run.
Sine-geist Solitary, Magical, Intelligent, Construct Psychic blast (d10 damage) 16 HP 4 armor Close, Reach, Ignores Armor, Far Special Qualities: Levitation, telekinesis, Undead construct Instinct: To force perfection.
- Warp the physical nature of the city.
- Drain their life force (dmg die heal)
Mr. Hundred Solitary, Stealthy, Intelligent 99 daggers (b[2d10+2] damage 1 piercing) 12 HP 0 armor Close Instinct: To gain the upper hand
- Pincers to the throat
- Tangle through their legs
Medlyn Goth Solitary, Magical, Stealthy, Intelligent Flurry of fists (d10 damage) 16 HP 4 armor Close, Far A devotee of Skull Hat, recently reanimated and bent on revenge. Instinct: To ruin their day
- Shadow slash
- Vanish in a puff of smoke
- Smoke them out
The Gorbachungus Solitary, Magical, Stealthy, Intelligent, Terrifying Psychic Scream d8 (d10 damage) 12 HP 4 armor Close, Ignores Armor, Far Special Qualities: Pale translucent skin with red pulsing organs beneath A human sized albino rabbit with jagged fangs and tattered claws. It has no fur and its skin is pale and puckered. Its voice, when it speaks, sounds like its coming from the center of your skull and is calm and resonant. Instinct: To retake the surface
- Melt their psyche
- Vanish
- Make them relive childhood nightmares