Water elemental Solitary, Magical, Devious, Amorphous Concussive wave (d6 damage) 19 HP 3 armor Close, Reach, Near These elementals typically resembled a cresting wave of water. They could easily disappear within a body of water, becoming indistinguishable from all other liquid. Instinct: To create turbulence
- Wash away
- Knock them over
Goopy gasbag Group, Huge, Devious, Amorphous Explode and spread goop (b[2d6+3] damage) 21 HP 2 armor Reach, Near A giant floating gas bladder filled with combustible vapours and corrupting black-purple slime. Strikes in a small group, aiming to contaminate the highest profile target. It appears like a floating, dripping ball of black-purple ooze. Instinct: To discharge
- Explode
- Spreads corrupting goop
False hydra Solitary, Huge, Stealthy, Intelligent, Terrifying Bite and devour (d10+3 damage 1 piercing) 24 HP 2 armor Reach Special Qualities: Song of amnesia, Flashes of horror before forgetting Common wisdom holds that false hydras come from the ground. They spontaneously originate as undifferentiated masses of flesh. Potatoes that sprout from no seed. Supposedly, they germinate in response to lies, and that each falsehood causes a false hydra to swell larger. The false hydra enters a town through a humble enough method. Fattened on worms, it has been growing upwards these last few days (weeks? years?), but has only now broken through the soil. It emerges in a basement, from behind the jars of fruit preserve. Or pushes its face up through a broken cobblestone. And then it begins to sing. While it sings, it is ignored. It just creates gaps in your attention and then slips through them. It is subtler than invisibility, and more reliable. Instinct: To feed
- Feed in silence
- Make them forget
Chadpole Solitary, Huge, Devious, Hoarder Tongue lash (pulls objects in) (d8+3 damage) 24 HP 3 armor Reach, Near This giant tadpole wants to eat unique specimens, anything magical or weird that it hasn't seen before. The more variation it gets, the more it progresses towards being a frog (also giant). Currently has a couple of small back legs forming. Named after a big grung called Chad, everyone loved him so they named the big tadpole after him. Instinct: To ingest uniqueness
- Swallow whole
- Spit up a specimen
Molepie (Magmole?) Solitary, Large, Stealthy, Hoarder Magic-sapping claws (d10 damage 2 piercing) 20 HP 1 armor Special Qualities: Absorbs any magic that contacts it Some call them Molepies, others Magmoles; what is clear is that they're so named because they are large burrowing creatures with black and white feathery plumage that seek out and steal magical items to drain of their power when safely back in their nest. Their digging claws are wickedly sharp and can drain magic in a pinch, however they prefer to slowly savour their prize in the safety of their home. Magic striking the beast can be absorbed entirely. Instinct: To find and devour magic
- Feed on a source of magic
- Burrow into the ground to flank
Quetzalcoatl Solitary, Large, Stealthy, Magical, Intelligent, Hoarder Bite and tear (b[2d10] damage 2 piercing) 16 HP 2 armor Special Qualities: Flight Giant feathered serpents, soaring through the clouds. Fiercely protective of their territory, most easily avoided by travelling on the ground and keeping in the shelter of bushes and shrubs. They have an amicable relationship with the locals, who seem to be trying to gradually train and domesticate them. Instinct: To patrol and protect it's territory
- Swoop in and swirl back
- Shimmering plumage camouflage
- Emit a powerful rainbow flash from it's maw, dazzling and blinding
CCRV Bleeding Edge Solitary, Huge, Magical, Devious, Intelligent, Cautious, Hoarder, Construct, Amorphous Cannon fire (b[2d8+7] damage 3 piercing) 31 HP 7 armor Reach, Forceful, Near, Far Special Qualities: Can project a magical shield, Has rudimentary autopilot One of the CCRV (CORRA Conflict Resolution Vessel), Bleeding Edge is a warship that is armed with mundane and magical cannons, a magical shielding system, an arcane grappel (tractor beam), multiple mages and soldiers on board, as well as a rudimentary autopilot system. It is a threat that should not be trifled with, although they will try to resolve conflict through diplomacy before violence, unless appropriately provoked Instinct: Create or preserve value for the Corporation
- Fire cannon bombard
- Cast an appropriate wizard spell
- Fire magical cannon salvo
- Engage the arcane grappel
- Engage the magical shield
Tremian Cloudcaller Solitary, Small, Stealthy, Magical, Devious, Intelligent, Hoarder Venom spur (change allegience/induce sleep) (d6 damage) 6 HP 0 armour Close, Ignores Armor, Near, Far Special Qualities: Can swim through clouds Tremians are halfling-sized platypus people, with a culture inspired by that of the Aztec/Maya/Inca civilizations. Cloudcallers summon and move the storms, allowing their allies to swim through paths to get to their targets. They can strike with lightning from any stormcloud, and can push back anyone that approaches them with a thunderclap All Tremians have venomous spurs that they can use in a pinch; these spurs have a range of different poisons depending on the family line. Instinct: Facilitate the Stormsurgers to push back intruders
- Reshape the storm
- Fake-out with cloud-paths
- Strike with the storm
- Push back with a thunderclap
Tremian Stormsurger Group, Small, Stealthy, Devious, Intelligent, Hoarder Tremian macuahuitl (b[2d6] damage 2 piercing) 6 HP 0 armor Close Special Qualities: Can swim through clouds Tremians are halfling-sized platypus people, with a culture inspired by that of the Aztec/Maya/Inca civilizations. Stormsurgers sneak through the clouds, through the paths that Cloudcallers build for them. Like rogues, they go for the backstab and target the weakest of the group first. All Tremians have venomous spurs that they can use in a pinch; these spurs have a range of different poisons depending on the family line. Instinct: Eliminate threats to their way of life
- Dart through a path
- Deceive using clouds
- Venom spur (swap allegience/double damage)
Rotbeast Boss Solitary, Huge, Cautious, Terrifying, Amorphous Hammer with sludge (d10+5 damage) 31 HP 4 armor Reach, Near Special Qualities: Undamageable other than weak spot , Horrifying visage Giant black bulging slime, with an engorged head at the top-front. Can throw slime, hammer with sludge arms, push people away that get too close. Pauses every so often to pump corruption into the heart of the island, weak spot on its back opens up at this point. Instinct: To corrupt
- Sling slime
- Hammer with sludge
- Push away
- Corrupt the heart