Hanged Man Solitary, Terrifying A noose, supernaturally strong (d8 damage) 8 HP 2 armor Close, Ignores Armor, Near Special Qualities: Its neck hangs at a terrible angle, swinging wildly They still hang people in these parts. It's an awful thing, I don't cotton to it, but...that's our way. Sometimes folk does something that you just can't take back, and no amount of fining or jailing makes it right. If they're lucky their neck breaks right away and they don't hang there, choking away. If they're lucky they die quick. If we're lucky, they stay that way. Instinct: Wait in feigned death
- Strangle mercilessly
- Appear behind a foe
- Hang lifelessly, for as long as it takes
Shadow Beast Solitary, Large, Intelligent Tusks (b[2d10+4] damage 3 piercing) 20 HP 3 armor Forceful Rarely seen, it hunts in the darkest of night in Nul'Drenor. It waits until it finds something alone, or sick or injured and lashes out quickly. Make no mistake, it doesn't hunt this way due to fear or cowardliness. It's a true alpha predator. It hunts this way because it likes the way meat tastes when it dies afraid. Instinct: Terrorize
- Stalk in the darkness
Bolt Spider Horde Shocking Bite (d6 damage 1 piercing) 3 HP 4 armor Close, Reach, Ignores Armor Traveling along the lightening webs made from the valley of knives, the Bolt Spiders will lay in wait until prey is incapacitated by a shocking bolt of lightening. Then it rides down on an arc of electricity and bites with its electrified mandibles. Instinct: Hunt
- Ride the lightening
Cave Wasp Group, Large, Devious, Hoarder, Terrifying Sting (b[2d6+2] damage 2 piercing) 10 HP 0 armor Reach, Near Special Qualities: Echoing Buzz The size of a horse, with a stinger like a lance, the Cave Wasp is the scourge to all right thinking cave-dwellers. Big and mean enough to give even a Giant pause, the Cave wasp is known to skewer straight through smaller creatures like Kobolds or Goblins. They move into already established dens, kill or chase out what lives there and begin spinning their vile webs. Their buzz is horrifying, enough to chase even the most stalwart from their homes. You can hear it echo throughout the cave, closing in on you. Instinct: Defend its hive
- Panic with their buzz
- Paralyze with a sting
Mourning Dove Group, Tiny, Devious, Hoarder Beak (b[2d6-2] damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 0 armor Hand, Ignores Armor A small white bird that arrives at funerals, the Mourning Dove will break your heart...and if you were responsible for the death of another, it will break your spine as well. Instinct: Avenge the dead
- Eat Eyes
- Infectious Sadness
- Lurk at a funeral
Murder-Squirrel Solitary, Tiny, Intelligent, Hoarder Unrelenting bite (d12+2 damage 3 piercing) 12 HP 0 armor Hand, Forceful A flash of fury tail. The scampering in the tree. A strange chirp. AND THEN BOOM! It drops on you from the treetops. It's claws and teeth can chew through anything, including your throat. Instinct: To violently end lives
- Kill from above, scamper, swarm