Abomination of Set Solitary, Terrifying Bites/claws (d10+2 damage) 12 HP 2 armor Close, Forceful, Reach Special Qualities: One ability of a snake, Inhuman biology These are hapless sacrifices to Set that were unsuccessful in their conversion into 'greater' beings. No two abominations are physically alike, as are all a hideous mix of human and snake traits, but they've universally gone mad with the trials they've been put through. Often used for labor or muscle by the cult of Set, the dark god whispers constantly into their minds, goading them into horrible acts for redemption in the dark god's eyes. Instinct: To redeem itself in the eyes of Set
- Kill for Set
- Use one strange ability of a snake
Set cultist Group, Devious, Intelligent Dagger (d6 damage) 6 HP 0 armor Close These cultists of Set are normal folk who, in these desperate times, have fallen victim to the false promises of one of Set's Naga. Now they hide among the populace, slowly gathering resources (including other people) to sacrifice to their snake god. Instinct: To leap to their master's defense
- Sacrifice for Set
- Hide among among the people