Kalkrak Raider Group, Magical, Intelligent Electric Tackle (b[2d8+2] damage) 6 HP 4 armor Close, Ignores Armor A member of the vicious Sonichu only clan known as the Kalkrak Raiders. They are known for raiding and pillaging villages upon the surface of Gamma Baccardi. Instinct: To pillage and steal bikes
- Punch
Rikaling Group, Small, Stealthy, Terrifying claws (d6 damage) 6 HP 0 armor Close Special Qualities: Covered in feces and bathsalts The horrible emaciated spawn of the mega denim known as Bath Salths. It has pointy ears, beady eyes, rat-like teeth, pale skin, and filthy fingernails. It is usually covered in its own excrement. Can be found wearing women's clothing along with wigs. Instinct: To rape anything more attractive than it (this means everybody in the galaxy)
- Flings feces
- A master of disguise
Social Justice Warrior Group, Stealthy, Organized, Terrifying Ranting and raving (d8 damage) 6 HP 0 armor Close, Far Special Qualities: Usually obese and completely unfuckable Autistic as fuck. Instinct: to spread propaganda
- Rants about white guilt
- Using ad hominems and strawmen
- Signal Boosting - screams for help