Most Recent Creation
Spirit Fiend Solitary, Large, Magical, Devious, Intelligent, Planar, Terrifying Weaken (d8 damage) 16 HP 4 armor Special Qualities: Humanlike The spirit following Kogan is one ugly motherfucker: it's humanlike, but not enough; it stands 8 feet tall on gangly legs, ribs protruding from grey skin, wisps of dark hair falling over its rotted jaw. And when it smiles... it smiles from ear to ear. The thing's been sucking the lifeforce from Kogan ever since the very start of your journey. You don't know what it is or why it wants Kogan, but now it seems to be feasting on him, smiling that horrible smile. Instinct: To feed
- Extract life
- Consume
- Instill doubt
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