Rotfiend Solitary, Devious, Terrifying Grasping rotten appendages (d10+2 damage 3 piercing) 20 HP 0 armor Close, Forceful Special Qualities: extra rotting appendages that burst forth from within and slough off just as quickly One of the most vile and abhorrent creatures anyone has had the misfortune of encountering, a Rotfiend is a once-living creature that is now a mass of rotting flesh and excess appendages that make a mockery of its original form. They will grasp, kick, bite, howl, and tear a man to shreds in mere moments just so they can finally feast on fresh flesh and incorporate it into itself, growing stronger each time. Instinct: to grow
- Rip and Tear
- Incorporate a victim into itself
War-Wolleon Group, Devious Powerful Kick (d6+2 damage) 6 HP 2 armor Close, Forceful Special Qualities: Chameleon Skin A large, bi-pedal, animal with lizard skin that changes color to match its surroundings, two slender arms with zygodactyly digits, a prehensile tail, a pouch on its abdomen, and two independently mobile eyes. It stands at roughly 4', and its length from its snout to the tip of its tail can be upwards of 5'. It uses its powerful, seemingly spring-loaded legs to defend itself, run at an incredible pace, and leap up to roughly two feet from a standstill. This Wolleon has been trained to be a reliable war mount, with mail armor protecting it as well as blinders to reduce stress. Instinct: To obey its rider
- Run remarkably fast
- Leap remarkably high
Wolleon Group, Devious Powerful Kick (d6+2 damage) 6 HP 1 armor Close, Forceful Special Qualities: Chameleon Skin A large, bi-pedal, animal with lizard skin that changes color to match its surroundings, two slender arms with zygodactyly digits, a prehensile tail, a pouch on its abdomen, and two independently mobile eyes. It stands at roughly 4', and its length from its snout to the tip of its tail can be upwards of 5'. It uses its powerful, seemingly spring-loaded legs to defend itself, run at an incredible pace, and leap up to roughly two feet from a standstill. Instinct: To graze and multiply
- Run remarkably fast
- Leap incredibly high
Orc Gimp Group, Divine, Devious, Intelligent Headbutt (d4+2 damage) 6 HP 0 armor Hand An orc baby born from or into violence is forever marked as a Gimp, born to serve the ultimate sacrifice of one's body, mind, and life for the sake of destroying the enemy with the aid of an Orc One-Eye. Gimps are stark-naked, hands and legs shackled with man-leather and matted hair, with a long iron chain embedded into the base of the neck. When the Gimp recites the ancient rite Eyes for Eyes, the target indicated will suffer the same ways the Gimp does when the Orc One-Eye harms it. Instinct: to give itself freely
- Recite the ancient rite of Eyes for Eyes
- Sacrifice itself to help allies
Spider Swarm Horde, Tiny, Devious (d6-2 damage) 7 HP 1 armor Touch Special Qualities: Venomous: On Max damage, apply Weak Certain communal spiders forgoes the classic web-building, instead gathering in arachnid blankets to smother prey. Players with spiders beneath their armor and clothes take -1 ongoing as the feeling of dozens of tiny legs crawl over them. Instinct: To eat
- Crawl all over
- Get beneath armor and clothes
- Smother