The Thing in the Well Solitary, Large, Stealthy Dark Tentacles (w[2d12] damage) 16 HP 1 armor Reach, Near "Good morning," the Thing in the Well calls, "And how are we doing this morning Mrs. Westmen?" -- "Just wonderfully. How have you been keeping, Thing?" -- "Fine, fine. A little peckish, a bit in the mood for, you know, a nibble, a bite to eat. But don't worry yourself, perfectly fine." -- "It's quite alright Thing, I was just thinking I should bring by some lunch. How does a ham sound?" -- "You are too kind Mrs. Westmen, just too kind..." -- The Thing in the Well has lived in the village for longer than anyone can remember. It is traditional to fix regular meals for the Thing, and to present it with a sheep or pig on special occasions. Years ago a boy went down the well on a dare. He never returned. The subject has not been broached in the presence of the Thing. Instinct: To devour
- Politely collect tribute
- Leverage townspeople through secrets
- Purify water
- Hide in darkened waters
Tundenbaug "Slots knuser" Solitary, Huge, Organized, Hoarder, Planar Thunderstorm (d10+7 damage) 24 HP 1 armor Reach, Forceful Special Qualities: Wrapped in thunder clouds A 20 meters high thunder jetti. It's body is surrounded by thunderclouds, which keeps enemies at bay. The loud thunders are heard for miles away, and it speaks with a thundering roar. Instinct: Dominate the North
- Wreak havoc with thunder
- Call forth the minions
- Shatter the earth
Goblin King Solitary, Stealthy, Magical, Devious, Intelligent, Hoarder Fabulous Magical Bolt (d10 damage 1 piercing) 12 HP 1 armor Close, Ignores Armor, Far "Who would have thought that the goblin king would be so . . . attractive? I mean, I certainly didn't expect you to have such a lovely singing voice, at least, and . . . hold on, where are you taking my little brother? Come back here, you shiny-trousered creep!" Instinct: To find an heir
- Channel magic through dance
- Weave confusing illusions
- Dazzle into a false sense of security
- Kidnap suitable heirs
Harpy Group, Intelligent, Hoarder Claws (d8+2 damage) 6 HP 0 armor Close Special Qualities: Flight The twisted incarnation of some long-forgotten divine punishment, harpies have the torso and head of hideous human females with the grotesque wings, legs, and tail of a bird. Vicious and shrill, they now roam in small packs seeking to fulfill their instinctual need to inflict emotional and physical pain on others through the theft of precious items. Despite their attraction to gold, gems, and magical enchantments, harpies seem to always know what each victim holds most dear whether it be a questing knight's heirloom sword or a starving man's last morsel of bread. Instinct: To deprive others of what they cherish
- Alert other harpies
- Distract a victim
- Snatch a valuable object
- Gloat from the safety of its nest