Grand Vulture Solitary, Large, Divine, Construct Talons (d12+4 damage 2 piercing) 20 HP 0 armor Special Qualities: It was created by the Dronko as a protector of the desert. The Grand Vulture is an ancient creature created by the great god, Dronko. Some say that the Grand Vulture is nothing but a myth, but others say that they have seen it, reviewing the sandy grounds. Whether it is or isn't real, if you do see a giant bird in the desert and smell remotely rotted, say your prayers. Instinct: to scavenge
- Slash
- Bite
- Swoop & Grab
Goblin Horde, Small, Stealthy, Organized, Hoarder Claws (d4 damage) 3 HP 1 armor Close The goblin is a small, dark green creature that will take anything that isn't nailed down. It travels in large packs, which will mercilessly steal from the nearest town to them. They move by scampering around on their hands, although their "hands" can't do much besides scamper. Instinct: to steal
- Claw
- It can throw sand into it's oppenent's faces as it scampers away.
- Most goblins can issue a help signal, which will alert all goblins in the area to drop whatever they just took and charge to the signal for support.
Cave Troll Solitary, Large, Construct Fists (d10+4 damage 2 piercing) 20 HP 1 armor Forceful The cave troll is a large brute of a creature, created hundreds of years ago. It's original purpose was to serve as the defender of an eager young mage, but, unfortunately, the caster said the wrong incantation. Instead of being a protector, it was a ruthless beast, killing just to get some peace and quiet so it could sleep for a few millennia. Many travelers have tried to slay it, and few have returned. The ones that do have a relatively similar description of the thing, except for one feature. They all say it's eyes were a different color. Instinct: to slumber unprovoked
- Crush
- Sweep
- Kick
Gargoyle Group, Stealthy, Construct Claws (d8 damage 1 piercing) 14 HP 3 armor Close Special Qualities: Made of stone, silent The gargoyle is a human-esque creature made entirely of stone. These beings are held alive by ancient magic, and their only purpose in creation is to protect the owner, no matter how much blood has to be spilt. Instinct: to protect
- Slash
- Gargoyles can attack the rule-breakers when their backs are turned.
- Nip
Lava Beetle Horde, Tiny, Organized Pincers (d4-2 damage) 3 HP 0 armor Hand Special Qualities: Lava beetles can breathe underwater for a few minutes. There's an old saying about lava beetles, "You chop down a tree, you see some red, you might as well run, else you'll be dead." The lava beetle is a normal looking beetle, sans the bright red coloration of it's shell and oddly long pincers. They get their name due to how when you chop down a tree that's become a home for these bugs, hundreds will spill out, making it look like the tree was full of fiery magma. The beetles aren't strong on their own, and can easily be crushed with a swift foot, but they become exponentially stronger in groups. Instinct: to multiply
- Pinch
- Buzz for help (alerts all beetles in the area about a potential threat)
Oki-Doki Group, Small, Stealthy, Intelligent, Hoarder Spear (d8 damage) 6 HP 1 armor Close, Reach, Near The Oki-Doki people are an ancient ritualistic tribe composed of a variant of halflings. They always wear strange masks, and usually have crude spears. They are very agile, and can surf across sand dunes with ease. It is unknown how this tribe began, but if you see a small humanoid with a strange mask, run. Instinct: to rule
- Stab
- The Oki-Doki people will occasionally leave valuable items lying about, as a lure for adventurers.
Ent Solitary, Huge, Stealthy Fists (w[2d10+3] damage 2 piercing) 24 HP 1 armor Reach, Near Ents are a type of creature that cares only about protecting the forest. They look like tall trees when dormant, but don't you dare harm nature while one is in the area. They have long, tough limbs made of branches and leaves, which will slowly regenerate if you give it time. Instinct: to protect the forest
- Sweep
- Ents look exactly like ancient trees when standing still and watching.
Coral Snail Group, Tiny Mouth (d6-2 damage) 7 HP 2 armor Hand The coral snail is one of the creatures that just doesn't seem right. It looks like a leech about the size of a human fist, with a hard coral shell. They're almost amphibious, but they can't be out of the water for more than a day. Their normal diet is composed of eating hard coral and adding the remains to their shell, but they aren't opposed to eating more fleshy creatures. Instinct: to drain
- Bite
- Drain (only after succesful bite)
Bandit Horde, Stealthy, Organized, Intelligent, Hoarder Bladed weapon (d6 damage) 3 HP 1 armor Close The bandit is a human who decided that a regular, legal life style just wasn't their taste. They have some form of hierarchy, but whoever is the cruelest will usually end up on top. They usually utilize swords, but can be found with anything from great-axes to pikes they stole from village guards. Just know this; if you see a bandit, pacifism is out of the question. Instinct: to pillage
- Slash
- Bandits can pretend to be normal travellars when entering a new town.
- Bandits can shout a war cry, alerting all other bandits in the area about a threat.
Wyrmore Solitary, Large, Terrifying Mouth (d10+4 damage 1 piercing) 20 HP 2 armor Forceful Special Qualities: It's mouth almost looks like a small cave made of flesh, dripping with saliva and teeth. The Wyrmore is a legendary creature, a myth in some towns. It's said that if you tried to count all of it's teeth, you'd go mad before you got through half. It burrows through caves, sometimes even making new ones to search and devour eager adventurers or spelunkers. It's scales are occasionally found in caves, and they are quite pretty, even being occasionally used for high class jewelry. Instinct: to be alone
- Bite