Carver (DRAFT) Group, Magical, Stealthy, Devious, Planar (d6 damage) 6 HP 4 armor Close, Reach Instinct: To erase record of its presence.
- A servant of the undergod Robigus, carvers its eight arms to scrape away at the truth of the world.
Ageless Tub Solitary, Large, Divine, Magical, Intelligent, Cautious, Planar, Construct, Amorphous Fists (d12+4 damage 2 piercing) 29 HP 6 armor Forceful Special Qualities: Dense, thick armor plating Instinct: To flatten
- Rolls when cornered
- Shoots a beam from its belly that creates a gap in time and space
Ageless Guard Solitary, Intelligent, Cautious Fists (d12+2 damage) 20 HP 5 armor Close, Forceful, Reach Instinct: To contain prisoners
- Absorbs magic attacks and can fire them back.