Steven Skele-wings Solitary, Large, Magical, Divine, Planar, Terrifying A spell, which rips the bones out of living (and dead) flesh (b[2d12+2] damage 3 piercing) 50 HP 9 armor Forceful, Far Special Qualities: It has no skin, and has wings made of bones First of all, it has no skin whatsoever. It has a large owl-like head with no feathers. It has a rhinoceros horn on it's beak. It has the horns of a bull and the spines on it's head are from an echidna. It has the body of a human child, but with no arms. It has giant thorns for legs. And last of all, it has colossal skeletal wings where it's arms should be.😈 Instinct: To gather and steal bones
- Rips the bones out of village people
- Unknown incantations and magic
Beware Solitary, Small, Hoarder, Amorphous, Speedy Headbutt d6 damage 1 piercing 5 HP 2 armor Touch Special Qualities: It's skin is wood It is a rectangle with little spikes for arms, and little squares for legs. It has razor-sharp teeth And has a big BEWARE sign on it's eyes Instinct: To destroy
- Rampage and eat people
- Bite stuff
Disco trap Solitary, Huge, Magical, Construct Make the floor explode d12 damage) 1000HP 0 armor Hand Special Qualities: It is meant to stop people from passing It is a small amount of tiles, but you have to dance properly to get across. Instinct: To kill people
- Set dungeon crawlers on fire
Stone wizard Group, Large, Amorphous, Magical, Cautious, Construct It creates flames (d6+2 damage 1piercing) 10 HP 4 armor Forceful, Near Special Qualities: It was created to be like a golem, It is quite unintelligent A stone statue of a man with a long cloak and a long beard. It can come to life and use magic. Instinct: To guard precious things
- Cast spells and curses
- Fire Magic blasts of elements
Cookie Dragon Solitary, As big as an average corgi , Divine, Magical, Intelligent, Cautious, Hoarder, Curious, Timid, Adorable It Breathes flaming cookie dough (d8-2 damage) 100 HP 5 armor Hand, Far Special Qualities: The chocolate chips on his back are sharp, His scales are indestructable, The skin under the chocolate chips is weak It is a light brown ball, with giant eyes, and chocolate chips all over it's body. It has two small arms with two claws each and two small legs with three claws each. It has two big horns on it's head, and two large wings on it's back. He also has sharp teeth and small nostrils. And last of all, it has a short wiggly tail. Instinct: To eat cookies.
- Throw exploding cookies at greedy creatures or greedy people.
- Can posses any living thing, but at a cost.
Krablathin soldiers Group, Tiny, Devious, Organized, Hoarder, Adorable Biting and pinching (d4 damage) 3 HP 2 armor Touch Special Qualities: Can change the colour and texture of it's skin, It's eyes are as black as eyes can be It is a crab mixed with an octopus. It has 8 tentacles, but two of them are thick and strong so they can hold large pincers upright. Instinct: To eat as much as possible
- Turn themselves inside out and when creatures step on Them they eat the creatures
- It can call the Krablathin Chief
- Stomping on the ground
The Krablathin chief Solitary, Divine Grabbing with its pincers, and eating creatures. (b[2d8+6] damage 3 piercing) 18 HP 3 armor Close, Forceful, Near Special Qualities: Can change the colour and texture of it's skin., It's eyes are as white as eyes can be, Demonic, Terrifying It is an octopus mixed with a crab, except it is giant. It is an amphibian, and it has eight tentacles, but two of them are thick and strong,so it can hold the large pincers upright.And it has many rows of teeth like a shark. Instinct: To eat as much as possible
- Turn itself inside out and when creatures step on it,it eats them
- Stomping on the ground