Pachidemon Solitary, Large, Terrifying Barbed Trunk (d10+4 damage 1 piercing) 20 HP 1 armor Forceful, Reach, Near The Pachidemon is similar in some ways to an eliphant, but it has sharp, wickedly curved barbs on it's unnaturally long trunk, and it's mouth is a huge maw filled with wicked fangs. Instinct: To slaughter and devour
- Snatch them up with your barbed, sinuous trunk.
- Strike from out of sight
- Crush them under your heavy feet
Gut Harvester Solitary, Medium, Terrifying Gore With Tusks (d8+2 damage) 16 HP 1 armor Close, Forceful, Reach Special Qualities: Gullet filled with gore and intestines This beast mainly scavenges and consumes internal organs from already dead prey, but it is just as likely to go hunting for live prey as well. It uses its huge tusks to disembowel creatures, filling its over-sized gular pouch (like a pelican) with internal organs before returning to its lair to eat in peace. Giants and ogres sometimes use the beasts as 'dogs', domesticating them and using them as watch animals, hunters, and pets. In the wilds they have a more feral society. They will often fly into a rage, thrashing about with their huge tusks and front claws if they are injured. The beast is roughly the size of a mountain lion, but far more powerfully built, with a head that resembles a large snapping turtle with sharp teeth and two oversized tusks which they sharpen on stones. Its throat pouch is likely to carry the remains of rotting organs and flesh from previous meals. Instinct: to disembowel & feed
- Pounce and gore
- Fly into a frenzy
- Vomit up rotting organs
Demon Smith Group, Intelligent, Planar, Terrifying Fiery Hammerhand (d8+4 damage) 10 HP 1 armor Close, Forceful Special Qualities: Immune to Fire A race that has long been subjugated by the forces of the Hellgate on another world far removed from this one. Though their minds and bodies have been warped, they are still exceptional craftsmen renowned for their skill in metal-working. Instinct: To forge corrupted metal
- Forge corrupted metal into demonic weaponry.
- Kill outsiders
- Eat Furnace Imps
Cave Wasp Group, Large, Devious, Hoarder, Terrifying Sting (b[2d6+2] damage 2 piercing) 10 HP 0 armor Reach, Near Special Qualities: Echoing Buzz The size of a horse, with a stinger like a lance, the Cave Wasp is the scourge to all right thinking cave-dwellers. Big and mean enough to give even a Giant pause, the Cave wasp is known to skewer straight through smaller creatures like Kobolds or Goblins. They move into already established dens, kill or chase out what lives there and begin spinning their vile webs. Their buzz is horrifying, enough to chase even the most stalwart from their homes. You can hear it echo throughout the cave, closing in on you. Instinct: Defend its hive
- Panic with their buzz
- Paralyze with a sting
Aether Box Solitary, Large, Magical, Stealthy, Cautious, Amorphous Phase Phaser (d12 damage) 23 HP 8 armor Ignores Armor, Far You may think, "Wow! What an intriguing box!" But, beware, adventurer, this is no ordinary cube. The Aether Box is a complex being that may or may not actually exist within the confines of our dimension. One moment you may see it, the next, it is gone. Instinct: To confuse
- Phases in and out of dimensions
- Dimensional Phaser
- Dimensional Shield
Blossom Possum Group, Tiny, Magical, Devious, Organized, Cautious, Terrifying Vine Whips (d6 damage 3 piercing) 10 HP 4 armor Hand Special Qualities: Covered in vines and flowers The Blossom Possum is a rodent-like creature who lives in dark forests and is covered in vines, flowers, and other plant life. Beware, it can whip you with one of it's many vines, or put you to sleep with its noxious pollen. Instinct: To overgrow
- Viny Whips
- Noxious Pollen
Needle Eagle Solitary, Cautious Spiny Needles (b[2d10+2] damage) 12 HP 4 armor Far A horrible flying eagle covered in spiny needles. When provoked, the Needle Eagle will fire hundreds of needles at its enemy. The needles are barbed and some may contain a small dose of poison. Instinct: To prick
- Launches spiny needles at it's enemies.
Cliff Racers Group, Organized, Terrifying Pecking beak (d10 damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 1 armor Close Special Qualities: Flaps about on annoying little wings, Wretched squawk "Cliff Racers? You want to hear about Cliff Racers? Gods damn them, son, Cliff Racers are the vilest things to ever live. You can't hardly walk a mile in Yesterbreeze without the bloody things mobbing you! That's why I moved away! They say the plumes are worth good money, so I hope they hunt them all down. Make the bastards into hats! That would show those grimy, flapping things." Instinct: To harass and eat travelers
- Swoop down at the worst possible moment
- Call a swarm of the bastards
Skull Kid Group, Small, Stealthy, Magical, Devious, Organized, Intelligent, Terrifying Blowgun needles (d4 damage 1 piercing) 6 HP 0 armor Close, Near Special Qualities: Child with no face The Skull Kid was once a child lost in the forest. He will occasionally lead other children to suffer the same fate as his own: life as a faceless and undying spirit of the woods. He hates adults, and will kill them if he can. Wearing ragged clothing and possessing a dreadful void instead of a face, he enjoys music and might leave adventurers alone in exchange for a mask that could serve as a face. Instinct: To bring others into the forest
- Mislead travelers
- Play entrancing music
- Vanish and reappear elsewhere
- Slowly transform the completely lost into Skull Kids
- Summon animated puppets
Sewer Monkey Horde, Small, Devious Tooth and Claw (d8 damage) 3 HP 0 armor Close After escaping from a visiting circus many years ago, these monkeys have somehow learned to live and thrive in the city bowels. Fur bleached white from strange chemicals, they are small, mean, and sharp toothed. Many larger animals have learned the hard way that it's best avoid their territory and stay out of their path. Instinct: To defend territory
- Overpower through numbers
- Infect wounds