Most Recent Creation
Corpse Gatherer Group, Huge, Magical, Divine, Intelligent, Terrifying, Amorphous Slamming, pounding and grabbing (d8+5 damage) 30 HP 5 armor Reach, Forceful, Ignores Armor Special Qualities: Soul binding, It is made from animated grave earth and corpses The corpse gatherer arose from the burial of a sentient undead creature in unsanctified ground near many other corpses... They feast upon dead flesh but are more than willing to create fresh corpses... They are. It evil in and of themselves, but they may contain the souls of evil creatures trapped for as long as the gatherer remains formed... Instinct: Gather (or create) corpses
- Spawn zombies
- Smash things
- Engulf grabbed enemies
Most Recent Up-vote
The Hunter Solitary, Large, Intelligent, Construct, Stealthy Rifle (Far) (2d10+4 damage 1 piercing) 20 HP 3 armor Forceful, Messy, Precise Special Qualities: Camouflaged, Mechanical, Sniper A heavily modified soldier-type mechanical that optimised itself for hunting and became known simply as "The Hunter" after tracking down and dispatching everyone involved in its construction, purely out of resentment for its own creation. The warped mind was later recruited by others who need its services as a bounty hunter. Instinct: To Hunt the Runner
- Hide itself in the environment
- Fire a steam round (shotgun)
- Attack from incredible distance